“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Mark 16:15
Thanks be to God! Praise God! During these past two years, our CBI has produced many more faithful students. They learned the Word of God. They experienced how to work in a field of carnal places. They learned how to serve. They learned how to preach the Gospel. They learn how to plant Biblical churches and teach the true doctrine of the Bible.

Jesus’ life and teachings in His Word and ministry also taught us how to be faithful. He commanded His disciples to go to the ends of the world and preach the Gospel of Christ.
Now our ten students are already ready to go and to do that task for the Kingdom of God. Our ten students have graduated. The field is empty without servants of God. Pray that the harvest is ready because the workers are few. Our ten graduate students can go and preach the Gospel and proclaim the Word of God. We want to see many more Calvary Chapel churches planted in our nation. There are many more people that are unreached. Pray that God will protect them, guide them, and lead them through His spirit.

During the end of the CBI semester, all of the teachers and our beloved students spent a beautiful time together (above). We went on a hike to a place called the white house that is near our CBI. It took only a 16km (10 mile) hike by foot to get there. We spent this time with the students.
Another way that God is doing a wonderful work is through technology and social media. I have been busy on social media. Through social media I teach, preach, and train others from the Word of God. Through the help of social media, five students have come to CBI and have already graduated.
Jesus said, “if you do not speak, then the rocks will speak on behalf of you”. I thought that I could not speak frequently like others could, because I cannot speak fluently. But God can use me like a rock who cannot speak. God uses me through social media to speak the true Word of God, and fight against cults and wrong teachings of Biblical doctrines.
As I mentioned above, five students came to CBI through social media. God is reaching this generation through social media where we can teach, preach, proclaim and train people in the Word of God. As I experienced while working for many years with this generation, we can use technology to help bring them into church as well as to our Bible school. Also, through social media a huge crowd can hear the Word of God. They can hear the Gospel of Christ. Then they will know what it means to get salvation and how they can be saved.

Every Sunday, my beautiful wife is also teaching a verse-by-verse Bible study at a women’s fellowship. She physically meets them, teaches them, and trains them. Before she taught them eschatology (about the end times, from Genesis to Revelation). Now she is teaching them through the book of Revelation.
We are doing Bible study at the leprosy colony (above). By the grace of God, everyone is growing day-by-day. By the grace of God, we are feeding God’s Word to them. We already finished 1st Samuel. Now we are teaching them from the book of 2nd Samuel.
Thank you for your support and prayers for us.
Thank you so much for supporting us, praying for us and raising us up. May God bless each one of you and your families and those in Saving Grace World Mission.
Grace and peace,
Your faithful servants,
Rabi and Mahima