I thank God for His plans in my life. He is constantly using me for His glory. Since we have rented a new house, many new people have started coming to the fellowship. Now we are not only worshiping together on Sundays, but also on other days people come and fellowship.
We are praying that in the future we will also be able to start a Bible study school. So that the local believers can share Gospel with their own people, we have started having Bible study three days a week. I am praying that God will give us people in this ministry who will give themselves for the Gospel of God. Some people already help me a lot in this ministry. By your prayers, God is doing a very good work through us here.
I evangelize not only in this city, but also in other districts. Many people listen to God’s Word and many also despise it. The so-called “religious freedom law” has come into effect in our state. The government has strengthened the law even more. For example: If a person gives a gift to someone, and then someone complains to the police that the person was trying to convert someone to Christianity through the gift. If the person who gave the gift is found guilty, they would go to prison for up to 10 years. Day by day the Gospel in our state is getting harder to share, but I thank God that many people are coming to God even during this difficulty.
We are making new plans so that we can reach many people with the Gospel. We are preparing people from the church. We have an hour long Bible study every evening. Though this study, many people are being blessed. Many basic Bible teachings are being taught to them book-by-book.
I met some Christian social workers. They invited me to come with them to the prison and teach there. When I went there for the first time, I was very scared. People become very fearless after going to jail and it is very difficult to talk to them. But we teach them different games every time so that they concentrate better. I also teach them Christian songs. There are many people who are also trapped in being convicted wrongly and live in despair. We have a wonderful opportunity to encourage them with the voice of God and pray with them. Because of this, there are many prisoners who have started reading the Bible. We cannot take our phones in the jail, so we do not have any photos inside.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for more people to join our Bible study and be blessed by it.
- Pray for the new people who come to the faith to grow in the Word of God and know deeply about the their Savior.
- Pray for our country. May God give the leaders here wisdom and knowledge so that everyone can know that He has salvation.
- Pray also for our prison ministry. May the inmates come to know the Lord better and dedicate their lives to Him. Also pray for the jailer’s heart to change so that he may know God too.
- Pray for the ministry here and also for all of the needs of the church. May God fulfill them so we can be more powerful witnesses for Him.
Thank you,
Pastor 12*
*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.