Following Jesus’ Ministry Pattern

Medical Camps With Gospel Outreaches

Jesus healed people, but He never left without sharing the Gospel. We are to follow His pattern. There are so many people with physical needs. If we try to meet their needs without sharing the Gospel, it does not make sense in ministry. 

Last month we had three medical camps together with Gospel outreaches in the different parts of our country where our churches are located.

Medical Camp/Gospel Outreach in the Capital

(Feb 18-19)

Last month, we had the great blessing of a visiting medical team. The team was able to treat over 200 patients at this medical camp (above), including non-believing neighbors we had invited from the area around our church in the capital city. Over 100 nonbelievers came to this medical camp. We had a great opportunity to share the Gospel. After seeing the doctor, a person had to go through the Gospel station. There we shared the Gospel and prayed for them. 7-10 people accepted Jesus. Praise God for that! May His Spirit lead them to His Church!

Medical Camp & Gospel Outreach #2

As we did in the capital, we also organised a medical camp and Gospel outreach at our church in the central part of the country. Around 220 people were treated. Some accepted Jesus as their Savior. 

Medical Camp at our church in the South East

Over 200 people were treated. Many non-believers came from the local area and heard the Gospel along with receiving medical treatment.

Children’s Ministry

At the end of the medical camps, we had children’s ministry in the school area in front of our church. We sang songs, danced and shared testimonies. We also gave some gifts to the kids.

Gospel Outreach & Hygiene Kit Distribution at the Leper Colony

We went house-to-house at the Leper colony during the outreach. After we were finished, we invited everyone to gather together. We sang some Gospel songs, danced, and shared testimonies. We distributed hygiene kits at the end. They are some of our dear ones, we visit them as often as possible.

It was amazing to see that the doctors from our medical team were carrying some medicine in their backpacks, looking for the opportunity to help and bless people. And it was so! Thank God for such ministers!

Program at Our Church: As the church is growing and maturing, our second generation young ones are testifying that Jesus is their personal Savior in public. We are very glad to see them grow in the Lord!


Prakash & Muna