“ Follow Me, and I Will Make You Fishers of Men”
Fishers of Men in the Mountains
It is always exciting to share about what God is doing through our Bible College students. God had been raising up these young people so wonderfully that they are sold out for Jesus. They have been studying God’s Word. They are not only studying, they want live it out.
We opened up opportunities for all our students to serve in a remote area during their recent semester break. A couple of days later, some of the students came to my room and said, “Can we go to that village? God has been speaking to our hearts about those villages again and again.” So we sent them.
They stayed in that village for a month and shared the Gospel door-to-door. They made young friends and invited them to church and to have tea. They also encouraged the church youth and took them in different villages to share Christ. Now people they invited have started coming to the church. Even one famous witch doctor is now coming to church! To God be glory!
Fishers of Men in the Plains
Some Bible College students wanted to go to a flat area where the Gospel had not yet reached. It is so easy to physically reach people in the plains, but it is very hard to reach in their hearts. The people who live in the plains are very influenced by the Hindu religion. They are extremely hard-hearted towards the Gospel.
Some of our students went to the plains to share Christ. They kept on being persistent, believing that God can change hearts and that someday, in God’s timing, the the people they shared with will receive Christ. They went from village to village sharing the Gospel. They became light and salt in the mist of the Hindu people, though the people were close-minded toward the Gospel. We believe that what is done for Christ will never be in vain.
Fishers of Men and Women in the Capital
Together, the Bible college students and staff love to go to share Christ around the city. We go to the city, share Christ, and invite people to our Bible study. The students are learning to share Christ every time we go.
Some of the people have shown up at our Bible study. One man came to Bible study and the next week he brought his whole family. They all gave their lives to Jesus! OH ! What a joyful moment!
Now our students are more excited to go share Christ more–all around the city, highways and byways. They are sharing Christ with all of the drug addicted people, store keepers, ex-prisoners, policemen, shepherds, etc. Doing this makes them realize how privileged they are to know Christ and have relationships with the one true God.
Please pray for all our CBI students as they may grow more in His Grace and and in His Word….Amen.
Anand and Usha and Family