Thank you so much for your prayers and support! It is a joy to serve the Lord together with you.
Time keeps slipping away and we are already headed into the third month of this new year! I look forward to the dawn of spring here in California and pray that you are well wherever you may be reading this.
Christmas 2020 Outreaches
Last month I promised an update on the Christmas outreaches that took place in the 10/40 window and I don’t want to disappoint!
We were able to facilitate 21 separate Christmas outreaches in the 10/40 window by receiving and sending funds! Our national pastors worked very hard, many of them hosting several outreaches in various areas in order to meet the needs of the lost people around them. Praise God for the countless lost souls who were able to receive spiritual and physical nourishment!
Some of our outreaches consisted of giving clothing to widows, blankets to the homeless, food to the hungry, and ALWAYS the Gospel to the lost from the city to the farthest remote village.
Thank you for your prayers and support for these outreaches! It is such a blessing to see God move through the generosity and willingness of His Bride.
Other February Happenings
Missionary Care
This month my husband, Isaac, and I got to visit our missionary friends who were home on furlough in Colorado. We took advantage of Valentines Day weekend and flew out to spend some time with them before they headed back to the field. The verse that sticks out to me when I think about our time together is Romans 1:11-12, “for I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, so that you may be established– that is, that I may be encouraged together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.”
Our time there was exactly that, mutually spiritually encouraging and uplifting and we were so blessed to be able to sneak in one last visit before they left the states.
Praise God they are now on their way back to Uganda with their 4 children after being on furlough for more than 6 months!

It was a joy to administrate the plans for a pastors’ trip down to Mexico this month as well. Our small team went to fellowship with and encourage our missionaries working in a difficult and dangerous area as well as speak at a church planting conference in Mazatlan. We are so blessed to be on the move again!
Prayer Requests
- Please keep the team in Mexico in your prayers as the conference begins on Feb 26th. They will be returning home on March 1st and are required to test negative for COVID. Please keep their health and COVID tests in your prayers.
- We have a student team of 30 people heading down to Rosarito for a weekend trip on March 5th-7th. Please keep the students and those they will minister to in your prayers.
- Please continue to pray for wisdom as I train Maribel (she’s doing an AMAZING job!) and clarity for her as she absorbs more and more information.

Thank you again for your prayers and support!