“The Bible cannot be trusted because it has many different translations throughout the years.”
This claim has been used by many people who are not that interested in the message of the Bible because they say it has errors and is unreliable. Yet if you open up a modern Bible, go to the book of Isaiah, and compare it with the translation of this 2000 plus year old replica scroll that I saw in the Bible Museum, the translations are almost the exact same! Below is a link that can be copied and pasted into a search engine. It shows the version the Jews used before Christ compared with the version we use in churches today. Enjoy!
My cousin Daniella was my tour guide in the nation’s capital. I stayed in a house with an 18th century bathtub. The Bible Museum was one of my many stops in the U.S. for my 2.5-week trip. If you are ever in the Washington D.C. area, I highly recommend checking it out! I wanted to bring a sleeping bag and stay the night there, because there was so much biblical archaeology and history that wooed my eyes and aligns with God’s Word. When I go to the jungle and teach the bible to those in Moyobamba and those in the tribes further out, I can trust 2 Timothy 3:16 which says “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness”. The teachings in the Scriptures are inspired by God, not invented by religious men.

The other east coast stop was in Harrisonburg, Virginia. When I was sharing at Horizon Christian Fellowship church, I pretended that I thought I was in Lynchburg, a city nearby. I said, “it’s good to be here in Lynchburg with you all.” Not many people laughed. An awkward start to my presentation.
Pastor Ronny Breen invited me to share about the church plant in Moyobamba. Us at Calvary Bible Institute Peru have a special relationship with him, because he taught us the book of Jonah and James, and gifted us ice cream at our graduation ceremony.
After I shared about my calling and the mission, several people hugged me, prayed for me, and encouraged me. It was awesome fellowship. I also received enough financial donations to be able to buy 100 Spanish bibles! Pray that the people of Moyobamba read them and know God more. Interestingly enough, I later read Philippians 1 in my devotions, and could understand the apostle Paul better when he said in verses 3-5 “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now.”
Most of my time, however, was spent in my home state Colorado. It was nice to be there in the summertime because I could do more in the mountains and not defend myself against the cold. I was able to spend quality time with most of my family. This was precious because I don’t know when is the next time that I will see them.

Sadly, my nephew Rafael died one day before his birth back in the beginning of June. This was heartbreaking for my family. I was never able to meet him in person like I was anticipating. Thankfully, I will see him again in heaven. And THAT is worth rejoicing in!
I went on a camping trip with my Dad and Stepmom. I missed the Rocky Mountains! After hours of casting, I was finally able to land this brown trout. We cooked him over the fire and ate him with butter, salt, and lemon on top of crackers!
A couple reflections from my time in the mountains…
Colorado is so pretty. There are so many adventures to endeavor and beauty to explore. I have had some wonderful memories and lots of happiness there. But I am convinced that God has called me to Pastor a church plant in Moyobamba. There isn’t anything more excellent in one’s life than being in the Father’s will.
God teaches through His Word and can teach through nature. When fishing, I had to be tactful, patient, and determined. As Jesus called the disciples to be fishers of men, these are some of the same qualities to be applied when we disciple others. When I go to Moyobamba in October, I want to be prayerful and intentional when looking for young men to teach the Bible to and invest in. Don’t worry, I won’t throw a net over people.
It is okay to pray for little things. One of my favorite animals is a bear. I have only seen one once in my life. I simply asked God if I could see a bear in the mountains. The next day, a little black bear darted across the road. It climbed a tree, then went down and skipped down the green mountain hills. A cool sight to see! Thank you God for answering that little prayer! I ask you Lord that I see pink river dolphin when I go to the jungle.

Praises to God
- Quality time with my family
- The generosity of Horizon Christian Fellowship Church
- The Bible Museum and all the evidence in favor of the Bible
- My nephew Rafael’s salvation
- His teachings in the Word and in nature
Prayer requests
- Growing in discernment.
- Confirmation to some for being part of the Moyobamba team
- Financial support