Hi family!!! We are super excited! This September, Calvary Chapel Northern Mexico will be having a conference for pastors and leaders of every Calvary Church in the northern part of Mexico. Its purpose is to encourage and edify the church and its servants during this tough season. Coronavirus has hit us hard in many ways and we feel the call to uplift the fellowship and continue our call to serve Jesus!
This year Stacy and I have the privilege of teaching at the conference. I will be teaching from Acts 20 and Stacy will be sharing with the pastor’s wives.
Personally, I would love if all our leaders from Calvary Acapulco could make this conference, but for some it’s financially impossible. Would you please pray for an open door for them? Also, if you wish to sponsor a servant, any donation would be appreciated. We have estimated the cost of travel and lodging to be $200 per servant. We have at least 5 servants who could use the sponsorship. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support.
Health Update
Thank you all for the prayers and encouragement during our quarantine. As most of you know Stacy and I tested positive for Covid-19. Even though I am currently contagious my symptoms are practically gone. Stacy still struggles with a cough and had to be put on different meds. She says she feels better, but we could use your prayers for a complete recovery.
I do hope our time sick was somewhat of an encouragement to others knowing that Covid isn’t an automatic death sentence as the media portrays it to be. I do want to encourage everyone to be safe. If you have current health issues you might not be as fortunate.
Elijah and the Airforce

Our oldest son, Elijah, has decided to join the U.S. Airforce. His desire is to enlist for Special Warfare as a ParaRescue. As a kid, he has always loved helping others in need. The ParaRescue motto is “That Others May Live” and that describes my son. As parents, this can make us very nervous, but we know the good Lord has him in His hands. Regardless, I ask for your prayers as he enters this new path.
Sunday Service Book of Revelation

After so many questions regarding the end times, I decided to jump ahead and tackle the subject head-on. Even though we see final judgment, the book offers insight into the revelation of Jesus Christ as the Lord God. The goal is to continually fall in love with our Lord.
Support the Villegas Family
If you wish to come alongside our ministry as a financial partner, please click the link below. Every gift, no matter the size, supports our family and ministry in a very huge way. Thanks again for your faithfulness.
All donations are tax deductible