Dwelling in God’s Word

I praise God for the amazing things He is doing in everyone’s life who comes to Him. God has been teaching me many things in my life personally about Himself, family, and ministry.

The situation in our state to preach the Gospel is not very good, because day by day it is becoming increasingly difficult. Anti-Christian groups are growing more and more to stop the Gospel from spreading. Recently, they arrested a pastor for sharing the Gospel. They thought if they arrest a pastor, others will get afraid and will stop preaching the Gospel. Anti-Christian groups also threatened many pastors and told them that they are not allowed to preach the Gospel. They say our country belongs only to Hindus and it is a Hindu country. So please pray about this. As we all know, the more they want to stop (the Gospel), the more it spreads. It is the power of truth (Jesus). 

It’s amazing to see how God is raising up evangelists from our church. It is a great joy for me to see them stepping out to go preach the Gospel to the unreached people in our colony. As I always say, God has a great plan and a purpose for this place that He has sent me to minister in. New people are being added to the church fellowship. People are really encouraged by the Word of God and are taking steps to reach others. This month, 2 new families started coming. They shared about how blessed they are after coming to Calvary Chapel. They said that they have never heard these type of teachings. It really blessed my heart. The people in our church are growing in serving, encouraging and praying for each other. They are reaching out to the people who are lost. Continually pray for unity and for us to make godly decisions. 

Bible College

We started our 2nd semester in Bible College. Right now, we have 7 students. God is doing amazing things in the lives of the students. Two weeks ago, 5 of our students and a member of the staff got a viral infection and suffered a lot from the illness. We had to separate them from the others and sanitized the Bible College building. I was really worried and discouraged about it. I asked God to remove the sickness from them and shared the prayer request with everyone who prays for us. Our amazing God healed our brothers and now everyone is healthy and doing well. I really thank God for His protection and healing. We can see how Satan attacks the work of God. Please be continually praying for our students.


I am really excited and happy to share that we had a baptism this week! The person who got baptized had been an unbeliever who has been coming to our church continually for a year. She got saved by knowing Christ, gave her life to Christ, and got baptized. More people are coming forward to give their life to Christ. Please be praying for them also. 

New Project: Music Production 

God has put it in my heart to reach people through worship songs and music ministry. I have been writing songs for 7 years. I have never taken the initiative to record them, but this year I felt like God is leading me in this area: writing biblical songs that fit biblical doctrine, because many songs are really not biblical and do not support the Word of God.

I want to reach people through Gospel music. So, I have already recorded two new songs and there are more to do. Please pray for the video recording that also needs done (for these 2 songs). I want to release them on YouTube and also on a few audio apps., so that they will be available to many. Please pray for God’s provision for the video shoot, recording and editing. 


Colossians 3:16 teaches us that we ought to allow the Word of Christ to dwell (which literally means to have a residence) richly in (within) us. Back in the churches of Colossi, there were false doctrines that taught that you needed to have special knowledge or revelation to obtain salvation.

Songs are not merely words put in an order to satisfy us with emotions and feelings. Songs are powerful convictions that should be consistent with the Words of God; In order to edify and help transform us into the likeness and Holiness of Christ. This has been our burden- to take the church back to the eternal living Word; that regenerates our hearts and minds to the saving knowledge of Christ Jesus.

Give Thanks Among the Gentiles

In 2 Samuel 22:50, David vowed to God to praise Him because He delivered him from Saul who had sought after David’s life for many long years. “Giving thanks” literally means to “confess publicly” or “to give public acknowledgment”. 

It has been our vision to give thanks or to publicly acknowledge our Savior to the gentiles since Jesus saved us from our wicked nature of sin which has been following us from the beginning. This serves the Great Commission to first GO and reach the gentiles and share with them about the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ 

New Church Building

This is the time for us to move out. I was praying and I felt that God is speaking to me and saying that this Word ministry is without borders. I really felt joy in my heart about what God is going to do in the coming days. The seats are full in the church service we are having right now. We cannot fit more people. God is leading many people to our Calvary Chapel. We are praying for a new place, so please pray with us.

A lot of healings are taking place in the believers’ lives. Not only physical healings, but also healing of hearts. Right now, we are going through the book of Hebrews. God is strengthening everyone and building up the church for His work and also to stay strong in the path of life in Christ. 

New Program:

Our School of Worship (Seminary) Workshop

Jan 3rd-Feb 4th 2022

This is one more thing that I want you all to pray about. The work of the Holy Spirit is misinterpreted in many of the churches in our state. So, my teammates and I are praying about and planning to start a 1 month School of Worship during the semester break of our Bible College. We plan to train those who come in both basic music theory and biblical worship, and also introduce them to Christian theology. We have selected a few subjects to teach including Biblical Overview, The Attributes of God, The Works of the Holy Spirit, and The Names of God. Our vision is to bring them closer to God through the Word of God and to Worship God how He wants to be worshiped. This is really getting out of order in many churches, because of the lack of God’s Word and because people don’t receive the Word of God with understanding. Believers are very much attracted to tricks people play in the name of worship. I believe that God has started a new work here in Hyderabad to reach many. 

The way becomes like the other ways when we cannot differentiate between acceptable and unacceptable worship. 

When Jesus was speaking to the Samaritan woman, He first pointed out that she was indeed a sinner and in need of a Savior. She misunderstood, thinking that Jesus was just a prophet as He exposed her darkened adulterous life and later shed light of the truth that He is the one who she was waiting for. Upon receiving the good news, she readily acknowledged Christ as her personal Savior. She then lived as a witness or living sacrifice for her dear Lord among her native Samaritans.

Christian worship has become more feelings than acknowledging Christ.

Christian worship has become more full of worldly musicians than of witnesses for Christ.

This worship workshop helps believers know what it is to worship God in spirit and truth; and the differences between acceptable and unacceptable worship. This workshop also helps believers to discern the dead orthodoxy which includes only truth, and zealous heterodoxy which only includes spirit. These teachings would help the believers to live a balanced life in spirit and truth to glorify God and walk according to His will. Please keep praying for the new things that God is doing here in our state.

Outreach Program

After finishing the semester, we are planning an outreach. Please pray for God’s leading and protection. 
Once again, thank you for your prayers and love.
Thank you,Pastor 6* and Family
*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.