This past month has been a whirlwind and God’s faithfulness is so evident.
I had the privilege of serving as a counselor at two summer camps this year which happened to be back to back. Basically I left on July 24th for the first camp, got back in the afternoon on the 28th, and left the next morning for another four days!
The theme of the first camp was Created and we talked about science and the Bible and why we can trust the Bible to affirm true science. It was a radical week as we saw students’ questions answered and lives changed. Two of the girls in my cabin accepted Christ and were baptized! I was one proud leader.

Usually I am EXHAUSTED after just one camp, so knowing that I had a whole other camp ahead of me after this one was a bit intimidating, but I chose to remember that God is my strength and through Him I can do all things. (I also asked a ton of people to pray for me). It was kind of surreal to go throughout the week and realize that I had plenty of energy when I would usually be wiped out and by the time camp #2 rolled around I felt pretty good.
This is absolutely a brag on our God and His faithfulness to give us all that we need for what He has called us to. He continues to amaze me by how involved He is and how much He cares about the “little things.” I was so blessed to be able to serve at the second camp whose theme was Assured: How to know you’re saved when you don’t feel like it.
I had junior high girls and got to serve alongside my sister, Anna, who volunteered to be a leader for the week. We had so much fun with the students, both junior high and high school, and we were immensely blessed by the teachings.

For this camp we tried something we had never done before, a two hour quiet time in which the students had to get alone with God and spend time in prayer, in the Word, or simply in silence for an entire two hours. For many of them this seemed outrageous but I was blessed to hear the feedback afterwards. One girl heard from God as her Good Father for the first time. One girl was led through the Scriptures to Biblical answers for a Jehovah’s Witness friend. Many of the students found that they were stretched but blessed by the extended time. Some fell asleep (I fell asleep when I did this as a seventh grader for 3 hours at a summer camp, so I feel them).
During the camp several students were saved, others came to repentance and rededicated their lives to the Lord. Overall, it was an incredible experience and my heart is so full.
Amazingly enough, at the end of the second camp I was feeling rested rather than wiped out! I am so excited to get back into the office this week and back into the swing of things as we plan some pastoral mission trips to Asia.
Also, major praise report! I received my first donation as a missionary! Thank you so much for your prayers for me and for the ministry I am doing. I am so incredibly blessed to have a job that allows me to pour into high school and junior high students for nine days straight as well as missionaries from all over the world!
What a good God we serve! Please continue to lift me up to Him in prayer.
Prayer Requests:
- Continued financial provision
- God’s grace and wisdom in handling interpersonal relationships
- That the students would continue to seek Him and that they would grow in their faith
- That I would be diligent to seek and serve Him and be fully obedient in every area of my life
- That God would reveal some “Next Steps” as I prayerfully consider going back to school for my teaching credential
Again, thank you so much for your prayers and support. I am so grateful for each one of you.
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May God bless and keep you as you follow Him and love Him with your life!