Greetings from Calvary School of Missions in Rosarito, Mexico!
I’m so overwhelmed by God’s faithfulness in leading me here. As many of you may know, I’ve been praying for over four years about where the Lord is calling me to GO as I seek to fulfill the Great Commission in my life. When the opportunity came up for me to be a student at the first ever Calvary School of Missions, I knew without a doubt that the Lord was answering my prayers and bringing me into a season of preparation for long-term, cross cultural missions.
There are seven students total in the school (including myself) who come from California, New Jersey, Canada, and Mexico. The unity that we share in the Lord and in His calling to fulfill the Great Commission is proof of the unity of the Spirit and an amazing answer to our prayers. During our first evening here, we got to hear a missionary couple’s testimony of how the Lord lead them out of the USA to Mexico to start a home where other missionaries can stay. I was so encouraged to hear about God’s provision and faithfulness in their lives and how He has been working through the short-term missions teams that they host. These truths will certainly be ones I refer back to many times in my ministry overseas.
On our second day here, we visited a feeding kitchen for children that was started by a couple of people from Calvary Chapel Rosarito. They invite kids from the neighborhood to come over for free meals and they share the love of Jesus with them. We were able to serve alongside them in preparing a meal for the kids, playing games with them, and giving them a Bible lesson about God’s deep care for them. One of my favorite parts of the day was when a sweet, four-year old boy prayed for our meal. His words were so profound and his love for Jesus was evident to everyone (whether or not they understood Spanish). When the little boy prayed for the Lord to care for the lost children, I was reminded of the children I worked with in Rwanda and my heart was stirred once again to go out and share the love of Jesus to children who are suffering.
Each day we have three hours of class time where we study the Bible and learn about the Lord’s call for all believers to carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth. I am so thankful to be learning from my pastor and other experienced missionaries. I’m already growing so much in my knowledge of God’s Word, and I’m so excited for what He has in store for the remainder of my time here.
Please continue to pray for me as I seek the Lord about where He wants me to go. My heart is to serve the street children and orphans of East Africa, but I’m also open to going to a people that has never heard the Gospel. Please pray for the Lord to make it clear to me. I thank you so much for all of your prayers and support to get me to the School of Missions. I’m so close to reaching my goal for the School of Missions tuition! If God puts it on your heart to support me, here is the link to do so:
Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have! Please let me know how I can pray for you also. Your partnership is so important to me!
Andrea Manor