Dear Friends and Family,

I just started my 6 weeks with the Calvary School of Missions in Rosarito, Mexico. While I was in Bible College I met the leading pastor of the Calvary School of Missions. The School of Missions is designed for people who are interested in long term missions, and is here to disciple and prepare students for the mission field by studying the Biblical design of missions as well as providing practical experience on the mission field. During these 6 weeks, experienced long term missionaries from around the world will be coming to speak to us and teach us about their experiences on the mission field, their struggles, and the things they’ve learned over the years. While in Mexico, we will be partnering with church plants, ministries, and missionaries, engaging in everything from children’s ministry to feeding kitchens, and evangelism to serving in orphanages. During my time in Bible College I developed a heart for the lost and the unreached and became interested in the idea of missions and sharing the gospel with those who have never heard it. When I heard about this opportunity for the School of Missions I felt the Lord calling me to apply. While I am here I will be seeking to know the plans He has for my life.
So far during my time at this school I have already learned a lot from the classes and have had amazing opportunities for outreach in the community, feeding and sharing the gospel with children at a feeding kitchen. I am excited to be discipled and to grow and hopefully feel the Lord’s leading for my next steps. I would really appreciate prayer for these next 6 weeks, that I would be open to the Lord’s leading and direction and that I would develop a stronger and more intimate relationship with Jesus.
God bless!!