Is it just me or did September simply fly by?
This month has been as active as any with the internship getting fully underway! Here are a few highlights.
I had the privilege of training two of our three new interns in the office and showing them what it looks like to send someone out onto the field. It is always an educational experience for those who haven’t considered just how many hours are dedicated to such a feat. Gabby and Nathanael have both done well in their training but the bulk of what they will learn this year is hands on. Please pray for them as they continue to serve in the office and press into whatever the Lord has for their internship this year.

Another highlight was getting to attend a dessert gathering for one of last year’s interns. A dessert gathering is basically a mission update that we host for our missionaries when they are home on furlough or about to launch into the field. It includes homemade desserts, fellowship, an update from the missionary, and prayer. J.S. is our first School of Missions graduate to be launched into the mission field and he has faithfully interned in the office for the past year. It was a very special night to see the fruit of our pastors’ labor of pouring into him and my labor (in a small way) of training him in the office come to fruition as he now takes all he has learned and prepares to launch in the spring of 2021.
Thank you for your prayers and support that allow me to be part of what God is doing here in training up long term missionaries as well as abroad by offering technical and administrative support to all of our missionaries.
If you would like to be more involved or would like to support me or SGWM financially, I would love to talk with you more about it. Your support is needed and so appreciated.
Stay the Course Running Club
The running club has been going well! You could say we hit the ground running. I have a group of 4 girls who have been pretty consistent and we are now up to about 2 miles. Please continue to pray for this group to be all that the Lord desires it to be.
Prayer Requests
Please keep our new batch of interns in your prayers as they begin a year-long commitment of growing in their knowledge of God’s Word and preparing to serve Him in the foreign field.
Please pray for J.S. as he raises finances to launch out in Spring 2021.
Please pray for my family as we look to the Lord for His financial provision in our lives.
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Thank you again! God bless and keep you and make His face shine upon you.