By God’s Grace – Pastor 3* Update August 2023

Dear Ministry Partners, 

Greetings to you all in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

This is monsoon season. Farmers are busy in their fields. People mostly cultivate rice here. Because of that our state is known as “the rice bowl of our country.” On the other hand, the heavy rain has caused havoc in many places. Many people have lost their lives in floods. Despite all this, God is so faithful to us. He provides for our needs and protects us under His mighty wings. We appreciate your valuable prayers and financial support. We remember you and your family in our daily thoughts and prayers. May the good God bless you with all resources and good health.

On June 3rd, after summer vacation, we reopened our CBI. Four more students have joined us. This semester, I am teaching the Gospel of Mark and translating for Church History class.

I got the privilege to lead the program for a birthday party. It was amazing.

In our local church services, I am still teaching from the Gospel of Matthew. By God’s grace, one of the Sundays we invited a new believer. (He is a colleague of my wife in school). He felt wonderful and blessed. We are hoping that he will join our church in the near future. In addition, we participated in all of our church activities. We also visited some families to testify for the Lord and prayed for them.

Prayer Requests:

  • Mr. S* has asked us to pray for his wife to have good health. Also, pray that God may increase his faith.
  • Please pray for all of our CBI students. Pray that God may give them wisdom and knowledge to understand the Word.
  • Kindly pray for the growth of our church.
  • Please pray that we may be able to get suitable land for our church.
  • Kindly pray for me and my family. May Lord use us for the expansion of His kingdom.

Thank you very much for your prayers and support!

In Him,

Pastor 3* and Family