Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you for your continual support in prayer and partnership in the gospel. God has been doing amazing things lately, and I am excited for this new season of life that He has brought me into. This past month, God has placed a few doors before me, that I am now praying over. Please join me in prayer over what the next step is for me in the call that God has placed on my life. Also, since my last newsletter, something big happened… I got engaged! We got engaged in July, and plan to be married in January. If you would like to see some pictures, feel free to email me at, but for security purposes I will not have pictures here.

These past few months, the Lord has been more heavily pressing on our hearts that we must leave all behind and move to the Middle East, in order to bring the gospel to a people who are lost and in darkness. God has called us to be a light in this region, and we want to be obedient. Our vision is to learn Arabic and become one with the people. We want to effectively reach their hearts with the gospel in order to be able to establish a church. Our long term vision is to have a Bible school come out of the church, where we can train national believers to study and teach the Word of God. SGWM has done this before in the past in South Asia, so with their guidance and training, we hope to be able to have our students establish churches in areas that are deeper into the Middle East, where we wouldn’t be able to go into as westerners. However, we are in need of support in order to do this. We would need roughly about $3,000 a month in order for both of us to be able to attend language school. This would also cover our housing and day to day needs.

These past few months, the Lord has been working in our families, so that this marriage would be accepted in their eyes. It was through much prayer that the Lord has now opened their hearts to this. Andrea and I met over 3 years ago in a Missions class at CCBC Costa Mesa. There, we became good friends, and it wasn’t until a year later, after having gone through the School of Missions together, that we decided that we wanted to be married to each other. Our relationship has been built on a mutual love for the Lord and a mutual calling to reach the lost in unreached areas. The Lord has placed a pastoral calling on my life and she has also felt a calling to ministering to women and children. If you would like to hear more about us, please feel free to reach out, we would love to meet with you over a cup of coffee!
Last year the Lord had placed something on my heart that I had never felt before. I felt a need to go to Peru. And since last year, I’ve been praying over this. The heart behind going to Peru would be to go down to the Bible School that is down there in a city called Trujillo. There is a missionary there with SGWM, who has been used by God in an amazing work. The Lord has put on his heart to train nationals, as well as their neighboring Venezuelan refugees in how to study the Word and to multiply disciples. For this reason, I felt that the Lord is calling me to go with him for a semester and learn from him. I have since spoken to this missionary and have asked him what role I would take on as well as what costs would look like. I would be on staff at his church and I would be helping him with the school as well. As for the cost, it would be roughly $1,200 a month for us to go there from February to May, plus airfare. Please join us in prayer over this. We have not made a decision just yet, but would love for your prayers over the Lord’s wisdom in this, as well as for the financial provision needed to be able to go.
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Praise Reports:
- The Lord has provided open doors for us in His calling to cross-cultural missions.
- Our families are onboard and excited for the marriage.
- The Lord has been moving mightily in the young adults group at CCSG.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for the wisdom and guidance for the next steps, as we enter into marriage.
- Pray for a place for us to stay, if God guides us to remain in the US.
- Pray for financial provision wherever the Lord leads.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Please reach out and let me know how I can pray for you, I want our relationship to be a two-way thing.
For His Glory,
Bryan Reyes