We are thankful for all the Lord is doing here and we want to share with you an update this month from our church and the CC Pastors Training Center & School of Ministry where we are serving and a new semester has begun. Thank you for joining us in prayer as we appreciate your partnership as we desire to reach this country with the Gospel together.

Our Calvary Chapel Church
Jesus says in Luke 12:22-34, that we should not worry and specifically in Luke 12:32 he says, “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” We have seen God taking care of us and the church He has entrusted to us. As we gather, we continue to pray that more would come and know Jesus. Each week we are growing in God’s Word. We have now finished the book of Acts which took over 1 year. Through the study of the book of Acts, God has taught our fellowship to be bold witnesses of Christ and giving testimony of Christ in our lives. Now we have started teaching through the book of Genesis during our weekly church service. I will continue to teach through the book verse by verse and look forward to what the Lord will teach me and our church through the study.

We recently were blessed to have Pastor Aaron visit our church and teach the Word. God gave me the opportunity to translate and He is teaching me each time I am able to do so. I want to be obedient and faithful to Him and this is a new area for me so please pray that God would give me the abilities I need to serve Him in every way.
This semester, I am teaching the book of John at the Calvary Chapel Pastors Training Center & School of Ministry. God has given me the grace to serve Him, disciple others, teach them and pray for each of our students so that in the future God may use them to establish churches. It is my heart to see the students sent to where the Gospel is needed.

My wife is also studying as a full-time student in Calvary Chapel Pastors Training Center & School of Ministry. This is her 2nd semester, so I request you to pray for her to finish race she is running as she studies God’s Word. We have been married less than one year, so please pray for me and my beautiful wife to be used in God’s kingdom for His glory. Another area of ministry that God has opened up for me is to teach the Word through Facebook, YouTube and Online Fellowship. Please pray that as I teach, that the ministry online would be fruitful and those viewing and listening would come to know Jesus and grow in His Word.
Rabi and Mahima