Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Thank you so much for partnering with us in the work of the Gospel through your prayers and financial support.
We believe that you are aware of the persecution Christians are facing in our country. In one of the northeast states of our country, more than three hundred churches have been destroyed and burnt. More than one hundred people have been killed, and thousands of Christians have fled to neighboring states. Thousands others are living in forests to save their lives. The government in that state and the central government are anti-christian. For the last five months the violence has continued, but the government is doing nothing to stop it. Everywhere in our country Christians are organizing peaceful rallies in protest of the violence toward the Christians. We also had a peaceful rally organised in our town by all of the churches in support of our brothers and sisters in that state. Please pray for our brothers and sisters.
Sometimes we don’t understand why things happen the way they do. But we know that the Lord is in control and that all things work together for good to them that love God. H*, a 26 year old young man who stood with our son at the time of his persecution and arrest by the police, was serving the Lord faithfully when he went to be with the Lord last month due to cancer in his liver. This was heart breaking. He was not able to get better medical treatment due to financial problems. Please pray for his parents and family members.
We are going to finish the third semester of our Bible school this month. The students are doing well in their studies. The church ministry is also blessed by the Lord. God is adding new believes to the church. I will be finishing teaching the book of Genesis.
Last month we had a church picnic. This was the first time that we as a church went somewhere for a picnic. We had blessed time together.
We appreciate your prayers and financial support.
We appreciate your prayers and financial support.
Co-workers in Christ,
Pastor 15* Family
*Names and Faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.