Be Bold + Confident – Solorzano Update December 2023

On our way to Calvary Chapel Tijuana with my favorite couple!

Hi y’all! Happy almost Christmas! Man, I can’t believe the weeks go by SO fast! It has been about a month this my last update, and let me tell y’all, it has been a BUSY past couple of weeks. I’m excited to share with you guys what the Lord has been doing in and through me. Thank you for taking the time, may you be blessed!

Kids accepting Christ and receiving a Bible for the first time, praise God!

Touching Lives

And the trips to Mexico continue! Early Saturday morning, together with the Calvary South OC Team and Anchored Relief Team, we traveled down to Tijuana, Mexico. We went to minister alongside Mexico Chaplains, as well as the Tijuana Police Drug and Alcohol Resistance Education Program (D.A.R.E.). There were over 200 kids here, some enrolled in the Youth Chaplain program, but others coming from the worst areas in Tijuana because of gang participation, drugs, and violence. On this specific outreach, I got asked to share my testimony with the youth. Part of me was excited, as always when I get to share about how the Lord has transformed me, but the other part of me was nervous- they’re so young, what if I say the wrong thing?

Luckily, I was continued to be lifted up in prayers from friends and family and the Lord was able to speak through me! During these moments of sharing my testimony, it always makes me think of Paul. How he had such a radical transformation, and throughout his years, he would be in front of magistrates and kings! It reminds me of the boldness and the courage that he had when he would speak and how he knew that the Holy Spirit would be with him. It amazes me how God continues to touch lives with my story as well. That day, more than 120 kids professed Christ and received a Bible for the first time! I was in awe. I couldn’t believe it but it continued to remind me how BIG and GOOD our God is! And to continue to be bold and confident because of Him!

Calvary South OC Team at Capilla Calvario Tijuana

At the Pulpit

The week of Thanksgiving, I had the opportunity to head back down to my home church, Calvary South OC and spend time with my friends and family there. A day before the service, I get a text from Christine, one of the Pastor’s wives, and she asked me if I was available to share my testimony of God’s faithfulness this past year. I didn’t need too much time to think about it- but without knowing what I was actually going to do, I said yes! Are you starting to see a pattern here in how the Lord is working through me… yeah, it gets better.

I wanted to draft a 2-3 minute speech in case I start talking too much and go over (typical me). I called Debbie (another Pastor’s wife) and asked for feedback and what needed to be changed. She was so sweet, and kindly she said, “Mayra, you are exhorting the church too much, we need to tone it down.” Ha, tone it down. Okay. And so I did. I wrote another speech and finally felt a little ready. The next day, I show up to service and I’m told I’m going to speak in front of the whole congregation- at the pulpit. YUP! You read that right. At the pulpit. Thankfully, I had my amazing cousin and friends with me- and once again, lifting me up in prayer and growing in confidence that the Spirit of God was going to move through me. And like always, He did!

Check out this link and fast forward to 23:00 to hear a recap of God’s faithfulness this past year, Living Thankful.

Speaking at the Pulpit at Calvary South OC

Missions Training School

On top of all these amazing experiences, school continues on as we start School of Ministry and School of Discipleship. During these classes, we are being reminded of what it actually means to follow Jesus, how to follow Him, and to count the cost of following Him. It has been a thought provoking class to say the least. Reminding me that Jesus’ path wasn’t one of success, fame, or even popularity. It was one that led to the cross. One that led to His death, resurrection, but also, it was an ultimate gain, for us! As His disciple, as His follower, I too must follow that path. To die to myself- my feelings, my emotions, my desires, my wants. And to be FULLY surrendered to a life after Him + His Kingdom.

We also started our teaching series through the book of Philippians on Wednesdays. This is probably my favorite part of the week so far! I LOVE studying the Word of God, and now I’m able to practice my gift of teaching with fellow students. I knew the letter of Philippians was going to be a challenge- Paul was in chains and writing about REJOICING! I knew the Lord was going to be working and speaking to me through it, and I was as ready as I could be. It has been so sweet continuing to see how the Spirit of God moves through me and allows me to see Scripture in ways I had never seen it before.

Praise Reports

  • More than 120+ kids came to Christ during the Outreach!
  • I was able to share my testimony in Mexico and at my home church, double blessing!
  • We finished off a great year of School and ready to be refreshed for what this next year may bring!

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for the Youth Chaplains, for those who are continuing on in the 6-week Discipleship program and for their hearts to be moved.
  • Please pray that I continue to trust in the Lord and His provision. I know He is faithful!
  • Please pray for the students- may we have a time of rest and be refreshed by next year!

If there is anything I can be praying for you, please reply back to this email. God is so faithful and He continues to hear the prayers of His children. May you all have a blessed Christmas this year and be reminded and filled of the best gift ever- Jesus Christ!

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

ROMANS 15:13

Eternally Grateful,

Mayra Alejandra