All to the Glory of God – Pastor 7* update August 2023

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments.”

Psalm 133:1-2

Dear Co-laborers with Christ,

The Lord has been doing great things as He continues to open great and effective doors. I am very thankful for your continued prayers and love as we co-labor in the furtherance of the Gospel. 

This past month was great because I was able to do ministry with a brother that is dear to me. When I was in Bible College, all my leaders poured their hearts into me. They shared their experience and knowledge of the Bible with me. I am so thankful for all the unity and faithfulness shown to me by my leaders and how God equipped me through them. Now the Lord has provided me with the opportunity to do the same toward others who also desire to serve in ministry. I am reminded of 2 Timothy 2:2, “And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” This is because C*, who was one of my students at one of the Bible Colleges I taught at, now has a heart that is ready to leave his home and move to a different district to begin ministry. Before starting his ministry, he wanted to visit and observe the village ministry I am doing.

We visited a backslidden family and spent time ministering to them and reminding them of the importance of being in church and in fellowship. It is so important for all believers to be in communion with God daily; whether we have been walking with the Lord for a few days or many years. We encouraged them, shared God’s Word with them, and prayed for them. It was great too for this family to hear C*’s testimony and see that another man who fears God took the time to visit and minister to them.

We also visited a sister who is a new believer and encouraged her as well. She is very interested to learn about Jesus, but sometimes feels hesitant to read her Bible because of lack of knowledge and understanding, However, I shared how it is good to make time to study God’s Word daily and not only open it up on Sundays. We continued in fellowship with her and teaching her worship songs so she can include them in her devotional time with God.

In the past few months I have been visiting these children, hoping to grow and establish friendships with them. I have been trying to learn their names, become familiar with their families, and see where they are with their studies and classes. I am basically growing in relationships with them to help to plant seeds of the Gospel in their hearts. As they learn songs and the Word of God, I pray that their little hearts will be very big to receive God! 

God is always faithful and good. I am thankful to have been able to share these ministry moments with my dear brother, C*, who I know will be used in a powerful way by God to impact His Kingdom. I also pray that the people we visit will be transformed by the Word of God and that as they grow in knowledge of our Lord, that they will find comfort and hope deep in their hearts.

Please Pray:

  • For Gospel seeds to land on good soil and take deep roots.
  • For God’s continued guidance in ministry opportunities.
  • To find a place closer to my area of ministry.
  • For good health and safe driving conditions. 

God bless,

Pastor 7*

*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.