Here we are, finding ourselves so close to the end of 2020. Wow, what a ride! Thank you for joining us on this journey, you are a huge part of what we do. One of the joys of 2020 has been our ability to continue to care for missionaries worldwide. God has definitely given Jenn and me a heart of compassion and the gift of caring for others that He allows us to use for His glory. It was exciting to see God’s confirmation over the last few months that we are not to go anywhere, we are to continue on assignment, pouring into and fortifying missionaries around the world as well as equipping missionaries on their way to the field.
In the last month we have been able to touch base with workers from Mexico, Brazil, and Cambodia to pray with them, encourage them and see how their ministries are going.
I (Tim) also had the chance to be part of a team leading the youth mission trip to Mexico. It is so important to allow junior high and high schooler’s to see and experience ministry cross culturally. They say, and it’s true, that short term missions do not change the world but they do create world changers. Please pray for the youth of CC Saving Grace that they would get God’s heart for the nations and the furtherance of the gospel through these short term trips. We are planning on making several more in 2021.

An unexpected lesson came to us over the last few weeks that we are still in the midst of learning. This is that care is a two-way street. As some of you know, Jenn has had a long time degenerative disc issue and spinal stenosis. Mid-November she went in for surgery and the recovery has been quite hard. During this time so many people have been praying for her, for us, bringing over food, helping with laundry and other chores around the house or just being willing to check on us and see how we’re doing. This humbling blessing has brought with it many lessons. It has allowed us to see how hard it is for us to receive, it has allowed us to see how many people love us, it has allowed us to be on the receiving end and we thank you all so much.

Praise God that Jenn’s surgery went well. Praise God that He continues to use us in the lives of others. Praise God that He has surrounded us with so many people that care for us.
Please Pray for Jenn’s continual healing. Please Pray for God’s blessing upon those who partner with us in this ministry. Please Pray for wisdom and discernment in how the Lord wants to use us.
If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, or increase your already generous support you can do so by clicking here to become a financial partner or by mailing your support check to
Saving Grace World Missions.
17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 Yorba Linda, CA 92886
*Note Pappas support in memo
All for His Glory,
Tim and Jenn Pappas