Thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement. Praise God for opening the lock-down! Since February, we were hiding doing worship, having house church, and visiting. But now (since September 21), we are free to have worship!
God’s Word Is Changing Peoples Lives!
Thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for sending me and my dad to this village. We have been conducting house church in this village for three years. There are over 100 families in this village, but no one knows how to read and write. They are too poor and so backward. So many kids are suffering from malnutrition. Because of the lock-down, everyone lost their jobs, because before they were only hired day by day. Now, they are leaving the state to search for a job.
My dad and I go to this village every Tuesday to lead a house church. Right now, I am preaching in this village from the Gospel of John, verse by verse. God’s Word is changing their lives! Ten women and three men have given their lives to Jesus Christ!
One of the ladies in this village, who is a strong believer, always leads the other women. Her sister was killed by her own husband. (Her sister’s husband killed his wife.) He threw her dead body onto the train track. But, someone saw him throwing her dead body. He told the village people and the village people called the police. He is now in jail. The woman is always crying for her sister. Please keep her in your prayers.
One More Brother Was Baptized During the Lock-Down!
Praise God! One more soul was saved for Heaven! During the lock-down, most churches were closed. But, we never closed church or stopped sharing the Word of God. That is why God gave us the fruit of one new brother, who got baptized during lock-down!
He is 19 years old and uneducated. I shared the Gospel of John, chapter 3, verse 5: “Jesus answered, Verily, Verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”
When he heard this living Word of God, God changed his heart and He accepted Jesus as his Savior! He was so excited to get baptized! But at that time, all the roads and villages were flooded with water. He was saying, “I want to get baptized in the flood water!”, but for security reasons we did not baptize him in the flood water. We invited him to our main church and baptized him there. Now, he is happy and continuing to hear the Word of God. He wants to leave the state to search for a job.
God bless you all,
Pastor 11*
*Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.