In 2008 we had our first ever East African Pastors conference. During this conference, only 8 Calvary Pastors attended the conference. Fast-forward to 2018: a decade later, we now have over 300 C.C. Pastors in attendance at our annual Calvary Chapel Association of East Africa Pastors Conference! We are so enraptured seeing the movement grow and delighted knowing the word of God is going forth bearing such amazing fruit. This year the conference took place in Uganda. We had a turn out of Calvary Chapel Pastors from Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Burundi, and Sudan. It was so edifying to hear what God is doing around East Africa. As for me, personally, it was a 13-hour drive from Nairobi to Uganda. I traveled with five Kenyan Pastors who were all looking forward to fellowship and being refreshed in the Word. The theme was “A timeline of the End…and what that means to me.” We went over most of the End times themes and passages.
Some of the highlights were the presentations by Mike Rozelle of Potters Field Ministries: he shared his testimony and presented the Gospel using clay and a potter wheel. Then Jay McCarl presented a re-enactment of the ancient Galilean Wedding and we learned that it symbolized and highlighted the Gospel, and major End time themes. I would highly recommend you read his book called The Best Day of Forever. He has a knack for finding out what the scriptures meant to the people in Bible times and how it applies to us today. We also had the privilege of affiliating 7 new churches during the event. These newly affiliated, Senior Pastors have all been pastoring their churches for about a year. I’m exhilarated to learn that the Word of God has reached some of the remote unreached corners of East Africa!
In Christ,
David Zavala
Please Pray
Pray for Gods Protection over our Family
Pray for Gods guidance as we plan for summer teams
Pray that God would provide for our family and for our local Pastors.
Pray for healing for Jane Kaleche
Pray that peace would prevail in Kenya
Pray for Twinkle as she home schools the girls.