We have been very blessed over the years to serve our Savior here in Mexico. It is you who support us to whom much of the gratitude goes for the opportunities God has afforded us here in this great country we call our home. As world events continue to darken the horizon, we know that our King is coming and His bride is waiting for the ultimate redemption. These things do not shake us, so we continue forward to the finish line. With these things in mind, we want to give you a quick update on ministry in Mexico and some things you can be praying for.

Our school of ministry, “Exodus”, has been progressing slowly. In the last year we have had 3 men complete the program. Our hope is that we would have up to 12 men living at the school and working through the discipleship program. We offer room and board, 3 college level bible studies during the week and an opportunity to learn a trade. We have a missionary family that is currently teaching the men how to become mechanics, through their ministry, Manos 1855. They are also leading our marriage group for Calvary Playas. Our desire is to train the men spiritually and then give them a trade that might free them up to have a better income while increasing their freedom to serve the Lord or go plant a church. Please pray for more students!

Our fellowship at Calvary Playas continues to grow and we have been praying for a new building. Our children’s ministry has grown to the point where we have our youth outside on Sundays and need to build a divider in a classroom to accommodate the kids and their ages. The area we are living in has become expensive so we are praying for His provision as we possibly take a big step of faith in the coming year to relocate the church. Please pray for a location.

We have a youth outreach March 25th, we will have about 50-70 kids coming and we are praying for these kids to commit their lives to Christ. From April 17-21st our fellowship will be heading out to Hermosillo on a mission trip to minister to the community and to the body of believers there as well. We have a women’s retreat coming up and a youth retreat. Please also keep church plant, Calvary Esperanza in prayer, as they just celebrated their first year anniversary. We are excited to see our brothers and sisters serve the Lord faithfully and by the power of His grace. Thank you for your love and continued support.