“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
-Matthew 28:19-20.

We love to go where God lead us. Last month God lead us to the western part of our country. We went to our Calvary Chapel church plant there with our Bible College students. Our students were so excited to hear stories about the church and how God is moving in that area. Our students went to a tribal people group. They preformed a dance, songs, skit and shared the gospel. They showed love and care for the people and prayed with them. The next day we had a youth conference. Over 60 teenagers and young adults came. We shared God’s Word with games with the young people. We had a great time of fellowship with them. The next day we did street evangelism close to the church. A lot of people loved to hear the Gospel and watch the skit. Our students learned to “GO” because God command us to “GO”. Please pray for our students that they may love to go where God wants them to go.

Make Disciples
God has been so gracious to us. He has connected us with so many people around our country. So many people love to be discipled through us. Many pastors love to send their young people to our Bible College. We ask each of our students to teach a small cell group. We do not want them only to learn but we want them to also teach alongside us. We take them to different places so that they can see the mission field. May they have a heart for the people where God leads them. Our students are willing to work with any kind of people group. They are open to work in children’s ministry. They are open to serve in the leprosy camp, etc. Please pray that these young people will be good disciples and that they will make other disciples.
It is so awesome to see people come to Christ. The Bible says “there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents.” We love the new believers to grow in God’s grace.

Teach Them
We see in Book of Acts that the Apostle Paul was teaching people from the Word of God. We do not only love to share the Gospel, we also love to teach people more about Christ and make Him known. We love to teach any denomination and people group. Last month we went to some church students to teach and encourage them from God’s Word. We believe that after coming to Christ, people must grow in God’s Word. It is always awesome to explain how important it is to teach the Bible verse-by-verse, so we arranged an Inductive Bible Study workshop in the eastern part of our country. Please pray that God will raise up these young leaders to grow in God’s Word and grace.
Thank you,
Anand and Usha and Family