And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9

Giving God the glory for 100,000+ views on
I would like to thank God, my Cambodian ministry partners, senders, and viewers for helping my YouTube channel reach 100,000+ views! This channel only has Apologetics/Evangelistic videos in the Cambodian language. Based on the mostly positive comments I have received, it has reached Christians and non-Christians. One person told me recently that she sends my videos to equip her Cambodian parents, who are new believers. These videos are also used as teaching aides in evangelism classes at a Bible school in Cambodia. In addition to YouTube, I also share my videos on and in several pages and groups on Facebook. I do not know how many views these videos have received, but most of my videos are more popular on Facebook than on YouTube. Since my last update, I was able to make one more video in the Cambodian language entitled, “Is God Imaginary?”

From September 6-17 I taught an intensive Apologetics class primarily on Zoom. I had never led a Zoom meeting before so Benjamin and Kayo had to teach me what to do. The class went well in terms of teaching and the students were actively engaged despite some technical issues with the computer and internet. The students asked a lot of questions such as, “Why did God create humans knowing that we would sin?” and “What happens to those people who never hear the Gospel?” etc. For their assessment the students wrote scripts and made videos answering questions about the truth of Christianity.
During my two-week intensive class, Kayo was busy taking care of the family and supervising Benjamin’s online schooling. She is also busy with the worship team at the church and helps local Cambodian organizations. Benjamin continues to do well in online school. The government is beginning to allow some schools to open but their requirements are so strict that Benjamin’s school has not yet been able to open yet. Please pray for Benjamin’s school to reopen.
In Christ’s Hands,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin