Vincent family September 2022 Missions Update

Greetings from Mexico,

This past month our church was blessed to host our 7th international church planting conference, and I am excited to tell you all about it! The title of this year’s conference was GO, and it was based on the great commission our Lord Jesus left us in Matthew 28! And the GOAL of this conference was to encourage and empower leaders to GO out and reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through church planting.

This year we had an amazing lineup of main speakers that I believe was our best yet! Our main teachers included seasoned veterans like Wes Bentley (Director of Far Reaching Ministries),  Don McClure (one of the founders of the Calvary Chapel Movement), and David Zamora, who Pastors one of our church planting partners, Living Way Christian fellowship in Fontana! And our conference wouldn’t be complete without some of the church planters we have sent out sharing the word. This year we heard from Hugo Limon (Culiacan), Tony Carranza (Mazatlan) , and Donny Aldana (Surprise Arizona) !

Each of these men gave spirit-filled teaching that uplifted and encouraged those in attendance. Speaking of attendance, this year, we had over 600 people show up for this free conference! I always leave these conferences feeling like I have attended a much-needed family reunion. So many of the church planters we have sent out fly in and join us, and it brings tears to my eyes to see them all grown up spiritually and doing an amazing job leading their local churches!

I was blessed to kick off the conference by giving teaching based on the church of Antioch in Acts 13. When you talk about church planting, the Antioch church is the gold standard as they sent out Paul and Barnabas on their church planting journeys. One of the main reasons God has prospered our ministry so much in this area is the church planting school that He has given us. Each year, more and more of our friends commit to using our materials to teach their servant leaders how their church can be a sending hub of church planting!

The entire philosophy of our church planting ministry is to freely share what God has freely given us. I am blessed that through our church’s generosity, we are able to not only make this large conference free of charge, along with all of the meals and materials, but we also make all of our church planting materials free of charge to anyone interested!

Getting back to the conference, besides the main teachings, we had 18 workshops that were informative and well attended! The most popular workshops are always our ladies’ workshops, and I am so thankful for my wife, Sarah, that always does a great job leading her workshop!

One of the highlights of the conference each year is we invite our guests to join us as we send out a new church plant together. At this year’s conference, we were blessed to send out my good friends Jose Luis and Sarah to the church plant in Ensenada. For two years, this young gifted couple and their three boys have made the one-hour drive north to our church to serve and complete our church planting program!

It was a great honor to send them and their 12-person core team out to plant their church in the key city of Ensenada! Located just 40 miles south of us, Ensenada is one of the largest cities in our state of North Baja (Population 600,000), and I believe that this church plant will soon be a sending hub of church planting to the surrounding areas.

Finally, I want to thank you for choosing to partner with us and support our family as your missionaries! We love to share about all that God is doing here because that is your spiritual fruit. We know that in these difficult times, it’s not easy to support missionaries. Yet you have stayed faithful in your partnership with us, and we thank God for you!

Con mucho Amor de Mexico (with much love from Mexico)

Mike, Sarah, Grace, and Daniel

Prayer Requests!

#1- That God would bless the preparation of our upcoming Israel trip in January of 2023! 

#2- That God would lead our newest group of church planters that began classes in August! (15 new students enrolled this semester!) 

Praise Reports!

#1- Praise God for a successful and blessed church planting conference!

#2- Praise God for our 34th church plant! (Calvary Chapel Familia, Ensenada Baja)

For our personal support, checks should be made out to Saving Grace World Missions with “Vincent support” in the memo section. For special projects, checks should also be made out to Saving Grace World Missions or SGWM, with the project name in the comments section. Use the enclosed envelope or mail it directly to Saving Grace World Missions, 17451 Bastanchury Rd., Suite 203, Yorba Linda, CA 92886-1873

For your convenience, you may consider giving through electronic funds transfer or direct deposit. Simply click on this link to directly support our family as your missionaries.

Or, you can go to our mission’s website, click on the “become a financial partner” button and fill out the information. Please remember to type in “Vincent” in the “purpose of gift” section.