Greetings from Mexico,
The work of a missionary is and always has been a team effort! God sent our family down to Mexico in 2002, and He called you, our precious ministry partners, to join us in this great work. But there is another key component of this work and it is our missions sending organization! In this update I wanted to tell you about the great work Saving Grace World Missions (SGWM) does (and has done for over 19 years) to keep us on the mission field.
Saving Grace World Missions is the missions organization started by our sending church, Calvary Chapel Saving Grace, in the 1990’s! We were among the first missionaries sent out by this group that is designed to support and partner with international missionaries.

So what exactly is the main mission of SGWM? Saving Grace World Missions exists to reach people of every tribe, tongue, and nation with the Gospel. Specifically, their vision is to reach those who are “unreached,” and never heard the Gospel with the saving news of Jesus Christ. SGWM accomplishes this vision in three ways; #1- Through Missionary Care, #2- By Raising up Nationals, and #3- by Church planting!
For our family serving on the field, one of the main benefits of SGWM has been the administration work required to facilitate our family and ministry support. Their labors stateside, allows our financial partners like you to give to a US-based missions organization and receive your much-deserved tax deductions! SGWM then gets those finances to us to be used on the mission field!
The president of SGWM is my good friend and pastor, Trent Douglass! Trent was the pastor that ordained me, and sent our family here to church plant back in 2002. Trent has also been instrumental in our work here in Mexico, and the regular visits from him and his wife Debbie and their missions teams have been vital to our success! Trent is a regular guest speaker at our church, and also a faithful contributor to our yearly Church planting conference.
I can always count on Trent and our sending church to partner financially in our church plants together as well! Our most recent church plant was to the large city of Hermosillo. Trent generously offered to match our church’s large gift to outfit their spacious new church facility with air conditioning. (A must in this desert city that averages 105 degrees in the summer)
Three years ago, SGWM began a missions school that they have based right here in Rosarito. The staff and students have been a huge blessing to us, not only as they served in our church in Rosarito, but through their many outreaches to our local church plants every summer!
Saving Grace World Missions have been a faithful mission’s partner with us from the very beginning and I trust they will continue with us many years into the future. In a changing world, they have been a faithful rock of stability that we have been able to count on and work with.
We are not only thankful for the partnership of SGWM, but also for you, our faithful partners! It’s through your prayers that God meets our spiritual needs, and through your financial giving that God meets our physical needs. We love you and thank God for you!
Con mucho amor de Mexico, (with much love from Mexico)
Mike, Sarah, Grace, and Daniel
Prayer Requests!
#1- That God would bless SGWM and the work they do worldwide through their missionaries.
#2- That God would provide for the financial needs of our family, church, and church plants, and keep us safe in these dangerous times!
Praise Reports!
#1- Praise God for our latest church plants in the desert city of Hermosillo!
#2- Praise God for three fruitful missions trips to Morelia, Loreto, and Guatemala City!
For our personal support, checks should be made out to Saving Grace World Missions with “Vincent support” in the memo section. For special projects, checks should also be made out to Saving Grace World Missions or SGWM, with the project name in the comments section. Use the enclosed envelope or mail directly to Saving Grace World Missions, 17451 Bastanchury Rd., Suite 203, Yorba Linda, CA 92886-1873
For your convenience, you may consider giving through electronic funds transfer or direct deposit. Simply click on this link to directly support our family as your missionaries.
Or, you can go to our mission’s website, click on the “become a financial partner” button and fill out the information. Please remember to type in “Vincent” in the “purpose of gift” section.