Greetings from Mexico,
What a blessing it was to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ once again in April! There is nothing better than to be a part of a global movement of believers representing every tongue and tribe and nation celebrating our Savior conquering the power of Satan, Sin and death through His death, burial, and resurrection!

I love the message brought by the angels on that very first Easter morning found in Luke 24:5, Why do you seek the living among the dead? 6 He is not here, but is risen!” It is my prayer that you and your loved ones had a blessed time remembering that the tomb is empty, and that Jesus is alive! Our church had an amazing time celebrating this history changing event, and in this missions update I want to tell you all about it!

Our weekend began with a Good Friday shadow play focusing on the arrest and death of Jesus! A shadow play is a drama performed behind a backlit 50 foot wide sheet and performed with actors in shadows! This wonderful evening included a live choir, the old Apostle John as the narrator, and concluded with the saving message of the Gospel. On Good Friday we were blessed to witness several first time professions of faith!

With the pandemic seemingly behind us, our church staff made a great effort to make Easter Sunday our largest celebration yet! That included inviting our church’s many amazing cooks to bring their best dishes to church where we had a large food court for fellowship. We had at least 20 delicious Mexico themed culinary options to choose from! (I should know, I tried nearly all of them!)

My brother Mitch, his wife Joy, and their kids worked hard to cook kettle corn that we offered free to each and every person in attendance! We also had a famous clown named Evangelion (who just happens to be part of our church family) to provide a fun faith-based show to the children that reminded them of the true reason for Easter.

The focus of the weekend was Jesus and the truth of His resurrection! I was blessed to teach the Easter story found in Luke Chapter 24! The title of my sermon was, “The Blessings of the Resurrection”, and I wanted to remind you of three blessings of Jesus’ resurrection for you! #1- The resurrection reminds us that there is victory on the other side of the trials of life. #2- The resurrection reminds us that in the same way Jesus resurrected from the dead, we will too! And #3- The resurrection reminds us that JESUS IS ALIVE!

Personally for me as a pastor, it has been a battle to try and get our congregants to return to church after the difficulties of covid 19! I was pleasantly surprised that we had a (post-covid) record crowd of nearly 1500 in attendance at our three weekend services. The best part of that is that many of those were first time guests that responded to the invitation to accept Christ during the altar call at the end of the service!

On the family side of things, our family was blessed to celebrate our precious daughter Grace’s birthday at her favorite Korean BBQ place in Tijuana! We also held our annual Church Basketball Tournament and for the first time, Daniel knocked off his old man and won the tournament! The basketball torch has now been officially passed on and Daniel is the best hoopster in the Vincent family!

We ended the month of April by sending out our newest church planters! Victor and Griselda Parra were born again and then baptized in our church 7 years ago! They began serving, and then 3 years ago entered into our church planting school! After graduation, Victor became one of our assistant pastors, and he and his wife have led our important welcome center ministry with excellence over the past 2 years!

We were blessed to send them out to plant a church we call “Calvary Los Pampanos.” (The Branches) They are literally planting this local church in their backyard, as their neighborhood in West Tijuana has over 20,000 people living there with only one small Christian church! Please keep this newest church plant in your prayers!

Finally, I want to thank you once again for choosing to partner with us and support our family as your missionaries! It is through your financial support that God meets our physical needs, and through your prayers, that God meets our spiritual needs. We love you, are praying for you, and thank God for you!

Con mucho amor de Mexico, (with much love from Mexico)
Mike, Sarah, Grace, and Daniel
Prayer Requests!
#1- That those many that professed faith during Easter will continue at our church so we can disciple them!
#2- That God would bless our newest church plant in Tijuana, Calvary Los Pámpanos!
Praise Reports!
#1- Praise God for a fruitful Resurrection celebration during Easter!
#2- Praise God for allowing us to send out our 33rd church plant in April!

For our personal support, checks should be made out to Saving Grace World Missions with “Vincent support” in the memo section. For special projects, checks should also be made out to Saving Grace World Missions or SGWM, with the project name in the comments section. Use the enclosed envelope or mail directly to Saving Grace World Missions, 17451 Bastanchury Rd., Suite 203, Yorba Linda, CA 92886-1873
For your convenience, you may consider giving through electronic funds transfer or direct deposit. Simply click on this link to directly support our family as your missionaries.
Or, you can go to our mission’s website, click on the “become a financial partner” button and fill out the information. Please remember to type in “Vincent” in the “purpose of gift” section.