Greetings from Mexico,
I hope this update finds you and your family healthy and blessed! This past month I had another birthday and I am feeling old! The older I get, the more the Lord reminds me of the importance of raising up the next generation!
In his final letter, the apostle Paul reminded Timothy of the importance of raising up the next generation to do the work of the ministry. Paul put it this way in 2 Timothy 2:2, “And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”
One of the reasons I started our church’s live-in internship program 12 years ago was to raise up the next generation of young men to be servant leaders, pastors, and church planters. In this update, I wanted to tell you the story of three of the young men in their 20’s that He is raising up in our church!
I first met my friend Abraham Gonzalez when he professed faith and was baptized as a college student at our church. After serving faithfully, Abraham took a leap of faith, quit his job, and moved into our on-site intern apartment to train up for the ministry!
Over the past 3 years, Abraham has completed our two-year church planting program, served as a leader in our young adults group, and become one of my main translators. If you have watched our live-stream teachings, Abraham is the young man that is often translating by my side on Sundays! While Abraham serves faithfully at the church he waits for the Lord’s timing and location for a future church plant.
Samuel (Sammy) Alderete has attended our church with our family for the past 5 years. After graduating from Calvary Chapel Bible College in Ensenada, Sammy felt the call to church plant. Last year, Sammy joined up with our church staff as an intern and began our church planting program! Samuel has excelled in everything he has done and is a quick learner.
Sammy is also a key part of our new media ministry (fully staffed by young adults) that works hard to transmit our live services online each Sunday at 9am and Wednesday’s at 6:30pm. Samuel also serves as one of our main English translators that translates from the pulpit when our Spanish speaking Pastors are teaching! After just over a year, Samuel has heard the call and he believes that the Lord is calling him to plant a church in the Los Angeles area of the United States!
Oliver, his wife Rosa and their son joined our church staff two years ago after graduating from a Bible School in La Paz where he served at our church plant there. Oliver has served in a variety of ministries at our church. These ministries include translating for me on Wednesday evenings, teaching in our Bible school, and translating the text of my sermons into Spanish so they can be sent to our church planters.

Recently, Oliver took over as our church’s children’s ministry director. This is a large job as on an average (non-covid) weekend, we have around 300 children under the age of 12 in attendance. As a graduate of our church planting program, Oliver and his family recently took a church planting vision tour to his hometown of Colima! (A city of over 1 million located on the western coast of Central Mexico.) Please pray for God to reveal his perfect timing for this precious family to be sent out to church plant!
All three of these men are not only excellent translators but great Bible teachers in their own right. I am giving each one of these young men the opportunity to teach a Wednesday (mid-week) Bible study over the next three months. If you would like to hear them teach, feel free to join us for our livestream service streamed live on YOUTUBE or on our church’s facebook page!
I also wanted to share a quick update on our son Daniel. After a month Daniel tested negative for the coronavirus and was able to move back home. We are thankful that Daniel’s symptoms were mild and he has made a complete recovery! Thank you for your prayers, and we continue to pray for those of you that have had your families affected and devastated by this horrific virus.
Finally, we feel honored and blessed that you have chosen to partner with us as your missionaries in these difficult times. Thank you so much for your prayers and financial giving which allows us to serve full-time here in the mission field of Mexico!
Con mucho amor de Mexico, (with much love from Mexico)
Mike, Sarah, Grace, and Daniel
Prayer Requests!
#1- That God would lead these three young men in their service to the Lord and future church plants!
#2- That God would bless our new batch of church planters beginning classes in February!
Praise Reports!
#1- Praise God that our son Daniel healed quickly and completely from Covid!
#2- Praise God that our brand new church plant in Loreto already found a new building and has been given free rent for a year!
For our personal support, checks should be made out to Saving Grace World Missions with “Vincent support” in the memo section. For special projects, checks should also be made out to Saving Grace World Missions or SGWM, with the project name in the comments section. Use the enclosed envelope or mail directly to Saving Grace World Missions, 17451 Bastanchury Rd., Suite 203, Yorba Linda, CA 92886-1873
For your convenience, you may consider giving through electronic funds transfer or direct deposit. Simply click on this link to directly support our family as your missionaries.
Or, you can go to our mission’s website, click on the “become a financial partner” button and fill out the information. Please remember to type in “Vincent” in the “purpose of gift” section.