Greetings from Mexico,

I hope that you have had a great start to the New Year! Our life is busy just like yours, and my wife Sarah got to begin the new year by traveling to Acapulco Mexico (home to the famous cliff divers) to teach at a women’s retreat! In this update, I want to share the highlights of her trip with you!

Sarah was able to travel south to the beautiful beach town of Acapulco to teach at the women’s retreat of the church of our good friends Stacy and Hassan Villegas! The theme of this conference was “El Camino” (The Way) and Sarah was blessed to be the featured speaker!

If you haven’t had the opportunity to hear Sarah speak, she is an amazing teacher, and one of very few missionaries that can teach with fluency and excellence in two languages! After living here in Mexico for 17 years and battling to get fluent in Spanish myself, I am jealous (in a good way) of Sarah’s amazing grasp of the Spanish language. (In fact, I believe she teaches better in Spanish than English, as the Spanish romance language and beautiful words brings out her passion for the Lord and His word!)

Sarah’s main two teachings were titled “Packing Lightly” and “The Detours of Life!” While talking about life’s detours, Sarah was able to share about how we can deal with God’s unexpected detours come crashing in. In those challenging times, we need to remember God’s faithfulness in the past and believe that He will not only get us through life’s detours, but even use them for good!

Sarah was especially encouraged visiting Acapulco, because even though it is one of the most dangerous cities in the world, God is moving powerfully and saving people, there and using this local church in amazing ways! Sarah made some great new friends, and was a blessing to each woman in attendance!

I am so thankful to have Sarah as not only my wife, but a very gifted lady who is willing to use her gifts to bless ladies not only here in our hometown of Rosarito, but in this beautiful nation of Mexico! I am so thankful that God chose her to be my partner in our missions journeys here in Mexico.

I am also thankful that God has chosen you to partner with our family and ministry in the mission field of Mexico. God has truly done beyond what we could have ever ask or think, and we are blessed to have your partnership on this journey!

Con mucho amor de Mexico, (with much love from Mexico)
Mike, Sarah, Grace, and Daniel
Prayer Requests!
#1- That God would bless our new church planting class of 2019 beginning in February!
#2- That God would continue to provide for the needs of our family and church in Rosarito!
Praise Reports!
#1- Praise God for our new 250 seat sanctuary expansion that we are opening up at the beginning of February!
#2- Praise the Lord that our Oaxaca Church Planting team has safely arrived in Oaxaca and has begun their ministry!
PS: SPECIAL INVITATION! Do you know that 90% of the New Testament takes place in modern day Turkey? I want to invite you to join me as we follow in the footsteps of Paul the Apostle and take a tour to the Holy Land of Turkey! The trip will take place in November of 2019 and you are invited to join Sarah and I on this life changing tour, please contact me for more details!

For our personal support, checks should be made out to Saving Grace World Missions with “Vincent support” in the memo section. For special projects, checks should also be made out to Saving Grace World Missions or SGWM, with the project name in the comments section. Use the enclosed envelope or mail directly to Saving Grace World Missions, 17451 Bastanchury Rd., Suite 203, Yorba Linda, CA 92886-1873
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