Vincent Family February 2017 Missions Update

Greetings from Mexico,

The Bible teaches us in Proverbs 19:17 “Whoever is kind to the poor, lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done!” Over the years, our church has become a hub to help the hurting in our city, and in this update, I want to tell you about a few of the mercy ministries that our church offers to our community!

Every month or so, we host a dump outreach. There are 100’s of people that live in shacks out at the Tijuana dump. These poor folks struggle with addiction and attempt to eek out a meager living by scavenging for trash which they sell to try and survive. This past Saturday our church sent a team to minister in the dump! This team brought with them 1000 sandwiches, gently used clothing, and they offered free haircuts and medical care. They also brought activities to play with the children that live there in the dump!

Most importantly, when we go to the dump (or anywhere else) we share the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ! We also bring along some leaders from a local Christian rehab center to invite any of the folks living in the dump a safe place to heal if they are ready to leave and come with us! (This past weekend, one man accepted our offer, left the dump and joined the discipleship home this past weekend!)

Our church also hosts two mercy ministries at our Rosarito campus. Our first ministry is a simple food ministry that provides a large box of food staples for anyone that has a need! (no questions ask) We also have emergency financial assistance funds for those that have medical needs!

Also at our church, we continue to host our Saturday morning kids club that Sarah began over 14 years ago. In this club we pick up poor children in our community and we bring them to the church where we feed them and give them a fun and safe afternoon focused around Jesus!

Our church is also honored to support and partner with a local children’s feeding kitchen that feeds children in our community! Along those lines, one of our earliest church plants located in the poor area of Tijuana (Vista del Valle) has built 2 feeding kitchens of their own that feed a combine 60 needy children every day!

Finally, we are blessed to have two orphanages whose children call our church there home! Most of these children have gotten saved in our church, then baptized, and many of them are even serving now! And up untill 6 months ago we even had a rehabilitation center joining us for our weekly services! (Until they broke away and became one of our recent church plants!- CCLiberty Ranch)

Jesus said in Matthew 25:40, “inasmuch as you did this to one of the least of these, you did it unto me” It is our honor and privilege to be merciful to the poor, the orphan and the hurting here in Mexico. And as you partner with our family, you too are spreading compassion and partnering in these wonderful mercy ministries! Thank you so much!


Con mucho amor de Mexico, (with much love from Mexico)

Mike, Sarah, Grace, and Daniel


Prayer Requests:

#1- Pray for that God will continue to open doors for different mercy ministries in Mexico!

#2- Pray that God will continue to provide for the financial needs of our family personally!

#3- Pray that God will help us purchase our building, as our 5 year lease runs out later this year!