To Mexico and Beyond!

Dear Family and Friends in the Gospel,

A Vision Trip to the Middle East is coming up on April 28th!

Time flies! The Lord has blessed the last couple of months and I am excited to update you all! I am doing something a little different this month! Click the link below to watch and hear what the Lord has been doing! Grab some snacks and enjoy

The Middle East Vision Tour

  • Pray for God’s heart and Spirit to lead and guide us as we seek His will for our lives specifically in this area of the world
  • Pray for our Team and for Unity!
  • Pray for Wisdom and Discernment as we interact with the land and the people
  • Pray for His love to go forth
  • Pray for personal direction and my involvement in the ministries in this area
  • Praise for the funds He has provided!
  • Praise for His covering of the trip Administrative tasks and Leadership
  • Praise for His guidance thus far!

Partnership in the Gospel

Thank you for your labor in the Gospel and for partnering on my behalf! God’s graciousness and faithfulness have never lacked and I know your prayers and financial support have been His way of confirming the work being done within the Unreached.

Your role as His church in support of those who have never heard the Gospel is vital and appreciated, I pray He blesses you with the fruit of your labor!

I love and appreciate each one of you! You’re my family in Christ and I couldn’t ask for better partners. How great is our LORD!

2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

Petition – For Central Asia: A team and wisdom are needed to proceed with making moves toward Reaching the Unreached. Please be praying for support and partners in the Gospel.

If you wish to partner in the Gospel as we run towards His name being made known among the Unreached of Central Asia and the World you can do so by:

  • Praying!
  • Giving financially towards one of my upcoming trips or a monthly donation. I do need a consistent income of 80%/month for living costs. This upcoming Tour will give an idea of how much is needed.
  • Reaching out to me personally! I am available for communication if you would like to partner as a Church leader, Prayer Group, Friend, etc.

The blue button is available or you can make a check out to Saving Grace World Missions with my name in the memo at 17451 Bastanchury Rd Suite 203, Yorba Linda, CA 92886.

May He lead and bless!

Many blessings and love from Him who is worthy of All Praise

Aleah Vanrenterghem