Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I thank God for your prayers and support!
We are reaching the end of this year’s first semester of our Calvary Bible Institute. The students are doing really well in their study of the Word of God. I think that I mentioned in one of my updates that they are diligent (not intelligent) students of the Word. Sometimes when I visit them in their free time, I see them studying and discussing theological questions, which makes me really happy.
The Lord has been opening new doors for the ministry. In recent months, God gave me opportunities to get in touch with local Christian teens and young adults from different churches in my town. Last month, one local church teen/young adult group invited me to their church to share the Word of God. I thank the Lord for these teens and young adults who He has given me to help grow in the Lord and in His Word.
During the last week of September, all the churches in our town organized a 3 day conference. This was another opportunity for me to connect with the teenagers and young adults of different churches, since we were all part of the worship choir. I am praying that God will raise up this generation who are willing to stand for Christ. Since I am involved with local Christian teens and young adults, they see me as an example. I am thankful that they come to me with their Biblical and spiritual questions and that during their time of need they come to me seeking spiritual guidance. God has opened the door for these teens and young adults to trust me and come to me when they are low and need spiritual uplifting.
One of the brothers with whom I grew up at the church, now has his own church in his village. He lives quite far from where I am right now. If I took a train, it would take me more than 24 hours to reach his village.
He has started Bible study from the book of Genesis on Fridays for the believers of his church. I am grateful that he gave me the opportunity to teach at his Friday Bible study a couple of times. It is encouraging to see new believers learning for the first time about creation and the fall of man. Most of these believers are from villages. Many of them do not know how to read or write. We try to keep it simple when we teach them, so that they can understand.
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that I may continue to grow in the Lord and in His knowledge and be used by God.
- Pray for my health. I have been taking medication for the past few months for allergies. I am still trying to figure out what I am allergic to.
- Please pray for the Bible Institute students to be equipped for the work of the Gospel.
- Please pray for the teenagers, young adults and school children whom I am ministering to, to stand for God and be the light in the darkness around them.
- Please pray for the brother and the believers in his church, who I mentioned above, to continue to grow spiritually and stand firm in their faith. They are going through persecution.
Pastor 9
* Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.