The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 2 Timothy 2:2
Dear Friends and Family,
Happy Thanksgiving!
As always this month we have so much to be thankful for. We are thankful God has blessed us with health and family and provision. We are thankful that the Lord has allowed us to be a part of His plan for Uganda. We are thankful for Jesus and His willingness to die that we might live. We are thankful for you, all of our friends and family who support our family and ministry here in Uganda.
A couple months ago we wrote about Pastor Doug Calhoon and his family and how God was calling them to leave Uganda and Calvary Chapel Fort Portal to work with a church plant in New Zealand. Before leaving the church was turned over to the assistant pastor Nicolas. They asked me if I would be willing to come and spend sometime with the women leaders to help them with the transition as well. Calvary Fort Portal is like family to us so of course I said I would. This month we spent a week there with the church and the leaders.
I have taught Women’s leadership many times, as it is part of the course that I teach at All Nations Bible college. The difference between how I normally teach it and how I taught this class in Fort Portal was huge. The class normally runs once a week for about four months. In Fort Portal I taught it in 11 sessions over 3 days from 10 – 5 each day. I don’t think I have ever done so much teaching in such a short period of time.
25 ladies came for the training. Some are currently serving in leadership in women’s ministry, children’s ministry, or the worship team. Others feel called to some form of ministry and thought the training would help them to see which way the Lord is directing them. Along with the teaching the women had homework to complete on their own and after each session we had discussions about what they were learning. It was quite intense for them as well as for me.
In our 3 days of teaching we covered a variety of topics that can help prepare a leader for their ministry as well as to equip any believer in a deeper relationship with Christ and ability to minister to other believers. We covered relationship building, leadership, evangelism, discipleship, counselling, studying, teaching and event planning. While it was quite a lot to cover in a short time, I prepared something like a handbook for them. This way they can refer back to it if they have questions or need guidance in a particular area we covered.
My favorite parts of out time together were the times of discussion and prayer. In all of my teaching I always include discussions because I believe it helps the listeners to become doers also. It also helps me to see if the ladies are understanding what I have been teaching and shows me areas that may need more time spent. The ladies were very open and honest about the struggles of the ministry as also shared testimonies of how God was leading and using them. Their openness to share was an encouragement to me as a w
omen’s leader as well. At the end of each day we broke up into groups and prayed specifically for one another, for our ministries and personal lives. I believe by the end of the training we were all drawn closer together and that they have a foundation not just in head knowledge but in unity to lift one another up as they serve the Lord together. I look forward to the next time I get to go spend time with these precious women.
Besides the women’s leadership teaching we were also able to spend some one on one time with the pastor and his wife as well as another missionary couple there. It is a blessing to see how God is working in their lives and how the transition has gone so smoothly. It truly shows that the church belongs to the Lord. Our last day in Fort Portal was a Sunday so pastor Nicloas asked Brian to share the message and Evelyn led worship. Pastor Nicolas is going to come and share with Arise when Brian has to travel next month. We look forward to having him come and bless our church.
Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.
In Him,
Brian, Jill,
Luke, Laylee,
and Liana
Praise the Lord for all He is doing in lives of the men and women at Arise Christian Fellowship and Calvary Chapel Fort Portal
Pray for all the women who attended the leadership training. Pray they would be certain of the calling on their lives and apply the things they have learned.
Pray for the Kanyike family as Brian has traveled to the states for 3 weeks and the children and Jill will remain in Uganda.
Pray for health for our family. That we would not get sick so often.
Continue to Pray that we would truly “Arise and Shine” the light of Christ in this dark place.
Pray for Brian as pastors and leads our ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship. Pray for all the ministries and leaders.
Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.