And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
2 Timothy 2:2
Dear Friends and Family,
This past month we celebrated Luke and Laylee’s birthdays. Luke turned 9 and Laylee 8. It is so hard to believe how fast time has flown by. It seems like just yesterday they were babies. We love them so much and are so proud of them.
On Luke’s actual birthday I was teaching a women’s retreat in Fort Portal. Every year Calvary Chapel Fort Portal hosts a women’s retreat and I come and share. For the past couple of years since the original church planters left, I have been in charge of the theme and all the teachings. In those couple of years I have also been going to Fort Portal to train up the ladies on how to lead, counsel, and teach, that they might raise up leaders and teachers from within their own church. This year I was very blessed when they told me they were ready to try and organize the retreat themselves and that I would not be the only teacher.
The retreat was 2 nights and three days. I went with our worship leader Evelyn, who led all the worship for the retreat. The theme of the retreat was Salt and Light.
I have to say, after many years of retreats this one turned out to be one of my favorite retreats ever. I believe the women’s hearts were stirred up with a fire that Evelyn and I agreed we had yet to see as they endeavored to serve each other and to teach God’s word correctly . We had great times of fellowship and discussion. The ladies were open and quick to answer questions or give opinions. I honestly think some of the conversations could have gone on for hours and continued to be fruitful. While I still did a majority of the teaching, the ladies who also taught did very well and I was very proud of them. There were a few surprises along the way, as to be expected for their first try at organizing the retreat. I ended up with more sessions then I had been told about and was reminded of the exhortation in 2 Timothy “to be ready in season and out of season.” It is quite amazing what happens when you are so reliant on the Spirit, those teachings turned out to be my favorite of those I taught at the retreat.
While we were in Fort Portal Brian was asked to teach 2 Sunday services one for the English speakers and one for the native speakers. When Brian and I first got married, Brian pastored there for almost 4 months while the missionaries were on furlough. This is how we came to have such a personal connection with a church that is 5 hours away from where we live in Kampala. Brian taught from Numbers which, when he first told me, I thought was quite interesting as it is not a book you normally think of a guest speaker sharing from. The message Brain shared was about when the Israelites finally were entering the promised land yet there were still enemies to conquer. The message was so applicable for our lives lived for Christ in a fallen world. We have victory in Jesus but must put on the armor of God and fight battles everyday.

Almost 4 years ago Brian and I were asked by missionaries Jo and Greg Clarkson to be the godparents to their son Israel. We have enjoyed being part of his family immensely. Recently, Jo gave birth to a baby girl. While she was at the end of her pregnancy and for a short while after giving birth we were blessed to have Israel stay with us. It was so much fun to have him join in all the kids activities and Luke loved having a “little brother”. Before Jo and Greg returned to Fort Portal, they asked us if we would also consider being the godparent to their new baby, Lindiwe. Of course we said yes and we feel very privileged to have this responsibility to help care for these precious little ones. While we were in Fort Portal they had the baby dedication for Lindiwe so that we could be a part of the festivities.
Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.
In Him,
Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana

Prayer Requests
- Praise the Lord for the ministry and spiritual growth of the members at Arise Christian Fellowship and Calvary Chapel Fort Portal.
- Pray for all the women who attended the Salt and Light retreat. Pray for the women leaders being raised up at CCFP.
- Pray for Jo and Greg as they serve the Lord and for Israel and Lindiwe to grow up in the Lord.
- Pray for Jill as she will be going this month for a check up and review of her thyroid and blood clots.
- Pray for the Children of Arise to continue to grow in their knowledge of Jesus and for their families to know Him as well.
- Pray for Jill and the children as they homeschool. Pray for the children to be excited about learning.
- Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
- Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.