As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. — Colossians 2:6-7
Dear Friends and Family,
It is exciting to look forward to the new year, knowing all that the Lord has already done. The theme through the Christmas season has been Jesus, what he has done for us and who we are in Him.
For me personally, this season started quite unexpectedly. Early on a Monday morning I received a call from South Sudan from Vicky Bentley. She had a family emergency and need to go back to the States. She asked if I could teach that weekend. I told her I could. Later I came to know that it was not just a teaching but it was a 2 day conference where I would be teaching 6 times as well as having questions and answers. I began to understand about being ready in season and out of season!
With my own Tuesday women’s study on Spiritual warfare, there was not much time for preparation. Vicky told me that the theme of the conference was Being Complete in Christ but that I could adjust it as needed. I prayed about what to share and I realized that the topic of Who I Am In Christ kept coming up during my spiritual warfare Bible study. I wondered if the Lord had been putting this on my heart so I would be ready for this conference. I went and found my notes from when I had taught this a couple years ago. The opening verse for that study was Colossians 2:10 “and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” When I showed my notes to Vicky and told her that opening verse I was amazed to find out that was part of the theme verses for the conference. Their verses had been Colossians 2:6-10. It was definitely confirmation for me that this is what I was to share with the ladies in South Sudan.
We left on Wednesday but did not make it to border of South Sudan before dark so we spent the night in Northern Uganda and crossed the border on Thursday morning. I spent most of the day Thursday studying as well as seeing old friends we had not seen for about 2 years and getting a tour of all the new construction that has taken place during that time. The conference was Friday and Saturday. I have to say that it was amazing. I could see God’s hand in every little detail. Over 600 ladies attended. I had 3 translators: one for Arabic, Dinka, and Madi. There were 2 other teachers: Sarah shared once on Friday and Kim Wargi shared on Saturday. Though we never met to discuss our teachings it was as if we had arranged them together. There were topics and verses I wanted to share but didn’t have time to get to and then Sarah or Kim would say and teach that exact thing.
You would think that with the amount of ladies who attended that it would not be personal but the ladies were very interactive and expressive. During the 2 days we heard many testimonies and answered many questions. Many churches were represented and in between each session they would take turns leading us in worship. Some of the ladies had put together a drama that showed the effects of going to the witch doctor compared to turning to the Lord in prayer.
At the end of the conference the ladies presented me with a 50kg grain sack of peanuts they had harvested as a thank you for coming and teaching them and to share with the women at Arise. They asked if next year we would come back and teach a marriage conference. Please pray that this could come to pass.
While we were in South Sudan, Pastor Michael of Calvary Chapel Cush, asked Brian to share the Sunday message at both services. The first service is an all English service and the second service is translated into Arabic. After the service they had an altar call and a time of prayer for any one who needed it. Many people came forward to be prayed for. Luke also was part of the service as he was asked to share about himself with the church and to perform a duet with our missionary to South Sudan, Ivan. I was very proud of Luke as he stood in front of hundreds of people and both shared and played the piano.
That evening, Pastor Michael told us that the whole service had been broadcast over the radio station RMC. Brian and Luke were both in shock that so many people all over South Sudan had been reached by what they had shared. After church we went on a couple of home visits. It is nice to meet with people in their homes and get to know them and their families more personally. We were fed a lot of yummy Sudanese food which I had been missing. We were also able to visit a young girl, Jackie, who has stayed with us a few times in Kampala for medical care. She just recently had her appendix removed and we were happy to see her recovering nicely. While this trip was unexpected for us it was definitely according to God’s timing.
Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda and South Sudan.
In Him,

Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana
Prayer Requests:
- Praise the Lord for the ministries taking place in Uganda and South Sudan
- Praise the Lord for His timing and for helping Jill get all she needed accomplished to teach the conference in South Sudan
- Pray for the women who attended the conferences in Nimule. Pray that they continue to hunger for God’s Word and to know Him more.
- Pray for those who came forward after Brian’s message at Calvary Chapel Cush. Pray for those who received Christ to continue to come to church and receive discipleship.
- Pray for all the Christmas/New Year outreaches and ministries at Arise Christian Fellowship.
- Pray for Brian as pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
- Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.