“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” … As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” —Ephesians 4:16
Dear Friends and Family,
As I continue to look forward to what this year holds for our ministry the Lord has reminded me that it is not just “our” ministry. It has caused me to reflect over the things the Lord has already done and the people he has brought in our lives along the way. We Christians are truly one body, Christ’s Body. In Uganda, Brian pastors Arise Christian Fellowship, but we work together with many other churches and pastors. We spend time helping to build up their congregations and communities as we also receive encouragement and counsel from them. While there are so many people who bless us daily and support us through their wisdom and spiritual giftings, I wanted to mention a few that we work with most closely and Brian even is part of some of their boards.
Calvary Chapel Entebbe is near the airport, right on Lake Victoria in Uganda, about one hour from us. I am blessed to have been a part of that church from the beginning, when the missionaries who planted it were still meeting at their home. Those missionaries, Craig and Loren, are actually the ones who did premarital counseling for Brian and me. Over the years we have done many conferences and outreaches together as well as covering for each other on Sundays when need be. Not too long ago the church as turned over to an Ugandan pastor, Isaac. Brian still sits on their board and the sweet fellowship and encouragement continues.
The fellowship at Calvary Chapel Fort Portal really feels like an extension of our own church or our church as an extension of theirs. Fort Portal is about 6 hours west of Kampala but the distance seems like nothing compared to how closely we have always served Jesus together. Some people may not know this but Brian and I actually lived there for about 5 months the first year we were married. Every June, except this past Covid, June and I help put on a women’s conference and Brian teaches at the church. Our worship team and theirs often collaborate together for conferences or youth outreach. Brian and I did the premarital counseling for the senior pastor Nicolas and his wife Grace and we are the God parents to his assistant’s children. We usually visit there and serve a couple times of year as well as they come and minister at Arise when they are in Kampala.
Calvary Chapel Cush is in Nimule South Sudan, at the Far Reaching Ministries Chaplain compound. The pastor is Michael. Needless to say they are like family to me since we have grown together since I moved here almost 22 years ago. I love being in South Sudan as their desire to learn the Word of God and their joy in the Lord despite the suffering they have gone through and continue to go through is encouraging and inspiring. Since Calvary Chapel Cush is quite far, about 11 hours from Kampala, we don’t get there as often as we would like but we try to at least once a year. When we go we fill the time with all sorts of ministry and fellowship. Any conference or out reach produces hundreds of people hungry for the gospel. Since many things are not available in South Sudan Brian helps with the logistics from here in Uganda to make sure they have the supplies or whatever they may need. The pastors, missionaries and staff stay with us at the guest house when they are in Kampala so we fellowship with one another throughout the year.
Through the close fellowship we have with these churches and their pastors we have also been able to be a part of church plants and outreaches all over Uganda and South Sudan. Through their visits and testimonies to Arise our church has been given a love and vision for church planting and outreach. While we are not physically together all the time we are one body working together.
This past month was elections not only in USA but also in Uganda. The elections are over but the contesting of votes and rioting is still going on. Our president, President Museveni won for another term. To keep violence and wrong doing down there has been a very heavy military presence all over Kampala. Two houses down from us the government moved some offices in so now our road has pick up trucks of police and soldiers on it. Brian said it should make us feel safe. We are praying it all settles before the inauguration in May.
In Family news, this past month Liana turned seven. I can hardly believe that my baby is that old. Also this month the children and I started a new school year. In Uganda the school year begins end of January. The whole of Uganda closed schools last February and only the graduating classes have returned. Homeschooling has allowed us to stay on course and keep busy during the lockdowns. I pray for the children in Uganda and around the world who do not have that opportunity during this time.
Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.
In Him,
Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana
- Thank the Lord for the Good things He has done! Praise Him for all He still will do!
- Pray for Arise Christian Fellowship and all the ministries they serve alongside as they look forward to what the Lord is going to do this year.
- Pray for the many church plants in Uganda and South Sudan. Pray for them to continue to frow spiritually and to multiply.
- Pray for Jill and the children as they continue to figure out the rhythm for this new schools year .
- Pray for Uganda as they conclude the elections and for no more riots.
- Pray for the Kanyike family to remain healthy and safe.
- Pray for Brian as pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
- Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.