Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:10
Dear Friends and Family,
We continue to pray for you all as 2020 seems to continue to challenge and test us. Things in Uganda are continuing to be difficult. This path month Uganda recorded its first Covid death and now it is up to 7. Uganda was put at a level three threat which means that there are community cases that cannot trace the origin of transmission. On top of Covid there have been many natural disasters and crime, kidnapping and domestic abuse is on the rise. Many people are truly suffering and are tempted to lose hope. What the Lord has really been teaching us through this is 2 basic Biblical truths. First, love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. If our eyes are not on the Lord, where does our hope come from? Second, love your neighbor as yourself. We are very blessed to have continued to receive support from our FRM and SGWM families during a time when so many have lost their jobs and cannot provide for themselves. We cannot keep those blessings to ourselves. While we cannot help every suffering person in Uganda or even in Kampala we can help some of them.
As we have tried to reach out and help the most vulnerable and suffering around us God has been faithful to show us the way and to provide. A beautiful testimony of how He works is a friend from my church in California contacted me that she had been contacted from a friend of hers in Germany who supports a ministry here in Kampala. Her friend was asking for prayer for a young girl who had suffered from domestic violence that led to her getting pregnant. She had just delivered but had absolutely nothing. She had no clothes for the baby and not even a blanket to cover him with. Well right before we left for the States for my dad’s funeral I had organized all of my kids baby and small things to sell but since we have not been able to have open markets and such to sell things because of covid I still have everything. I had a bag with little baby clothes, cloth diapers, towels and blankets, etc. We were able to arrange for all of these things to be delivered to the young new mother with in hours of receiving the message. God worked all of the details out and we continue to pray for the girl, her baby, and her family.
Pretty much daily since we returned from the States in March, Brian has been constantly on the phone trying to minister to church members and listen to their needs and what they are going through. Sometimes all they need is some counsel and to be reminded of God’s love and promises. Other times they have serious needs that if not met would lead to serious consequences. We have been trying our best to pray for them and help in whatever way we can.
This past month we were gifted with 2 months provision of food and soap for every member of our church. God is so faithful. To see and hear the expressions of gratitude and spontaneous outbursts of praise for God’s love and sustenance is amazing. Another blessing we saw out of this provision for the church members is their desire to also want to reach out and help others with what they have been given; a family member deep in the village who can not care for themselves, a neighbor whose husband abandoned her and their many children when he lost his job because of covid. It has been a blessing to be able to help and even more of a blessing to see those being blessed, blessing others. Acts 20:35 tells us, “… And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”
The government of Uganda is requiring all Ugandans to social distance and wear a mask when ever they are out side of their own compound. If you go out into the city center none of this is taking place. People believe there is no covid and because so many are suffering are trying to make money. An interesting sight I have seen is someone selling masks with out wearing a mask. Because the cases are rising quickly and deaths are now occurring, the government has issued this warning, “It is now illegal to be found in public not wearing a mask. You will either pay a fine of 20,000/= or serve 6 months in prison.” We are praying that people would take the government and covid seriously, they have suffered enough without now having to pay a fine or go to prison for just not wearing a mask. On that note many people have been creative with mask wearing.
Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.
In Him,
Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana

· Praise the Lord for the wonderful things that are happening despite the Covid-19.
· Praise the Lord for the provision to help those who are suffering.
· Pray for the World during this time of Covid 19. Pray for many people to turn to the Lord during this time.
· Pray for the young lady who just gave birth. Pray for her safety and for her and her family to know Christ.
· Pray for the Kanyike family to continue to know how to best minister to the church and community during this time.
· Pray for the Kanyike family to be healthy and safe.
· Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
· Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.