Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Dear Friends and Family,
I never would have thought that after all these months we would still be dealing with COVID. It now seems like years ago that we were visiting America and taking the kids to Disneyland. It was actually just the beginning of this year and now the world and Uganda are such a different place. Uganda started off with almost no cases and now seems to be having more and more cases daily. To be honest it is just starting to get scary here as we begin to hear about cases near us and in the city. I have to try to stay away from the news and focus and the positive things that are happening.

One of the best parts of this lockdown has been homeschooling my kids. I have always homeschooled them but normally I am doing 101 other things as well. At this time I have been able to give them almost undivided attention and to catch up from where we were a little behind because of my dad’s funeral.
It is so interesting that much of the world has had to experience homeschooling as well during this time. I feel blessed that I was used to homeschooling and well prepared when all the schools (and everything else) were suddenly closed. It isn’t always easy but has always been my choice and joy to do.
Learning from the lessons on the radio Newspaper Lesson Street vendor teaching her kids from newspaper
I really have been praying for those who found themselves homeschool teachers unexpectedly. In Uganda many parents who have never received a proper education themselves, have found themselves in the place of teacher for their children, probably till the new year begins next February. Uganda has tried their best to help. They have been putting classes on the radio, on TV, and in the newspaper. The president’s wife, who is the head of Education, had this to say as an encouragement to parents, “Spend time with your learners to develop their values and positive attitudes. Tell them stories, riddles, and other life lessons, and support their learning. Help your learners to make a craft or develop an innovation.” The president as well encouraged parents in one of his messages that not all learning is book learning, take this time to teach life skills such as farming, mechanics, cooking, etc. From what I have been able to find out many parents, no matter their education, have been trying.
At the bottom of the hill on which we live there is one of the largest open markets in Uganda. Next to that market is a very large slum area. Many of the people from Arise Christian Fellowship come from that market and from those slums. Twice since the lockdown in Uganda began we have been able to help out church members and their families with food and basic necessities. We have wanted to help others but did not know how to go about it because there was a law made that if you were caught providing relief and it drew a crowd you would be charged with attempted murder.

Recently, we received a letter under our gate. It was from the LC1, Local chairman of our area. He had been given permission by the government to gather food and soap for those who were in the most need down in the slums. His letter was requesting those who were able to give donations towards helping those less fortunate. We were more than glad to help.
Uganda has begun lifting some of the restrictions. One of them is the use of vehicles and public transport. We pray that this will help some of those who have been struggling to provide for their families but we also pray for health and safety as COVID cases are rapidly increasing. It is mandatory by law to social distance and to wear a mask when in public. Since the easing of restrictions this has been very hard to enforce and just today, there were riots in Kampala, along the same lines as the riots happening in the USA and around the world. We are praying that these gatherings will not lead to more sickness or another total lockdown.
The month also has much to celebrate as Luke turned 10 years old and Laylee turned 9 years old. We were not able to have a party or to go out anywhere but they enjoyed all the messages and facetime calls they received. I can’t believe I now have a son who is in double digits!
Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.
In Him,
Brian, Jill,
Luke, Laylee,
and Liana
Thank you for praying for the Kanyikes during their time of lockdown
Praise the Lord for the provision to help those who are suffering.
Pray for the World during this time of COVID 19. Pray for many people to turn to the Lord during this time.
Pray for the Kanyike family to continue to know how to best minister to the church and community during this time.
Pray for the people of Uganda to be safe from all the calamities that seem to be happening: COVID, flood, locusts, hunger, Ebola, and riots
Pray for Brian as pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.