Arriving in Mexico
The Calvary School of Missions Team and I arrived safely in Rosarito, Mexico last week! Thank you so much for all of your prayers! I have had such a great time this past week and I have learned so much truth and amazing knowledge of the Bible. We have had so many teachings this past week and the more I hear, the more I want. It’s like when you eat that slice of cake; you might eat just one slice and move on, but the more cake you eat, the more you want. We have been “fed” so much spiritual food and it has just made me long for more and more! The more I learn, the more my spiritual appetite has become insatiable! I am so excited and grateful for everything else we will learn in the next 5 weeks. It has also been so fun settling in, meeting so many new people, and making friendships with them. We have had multiple outreaches so far including providing food for those who have lost their homes in an unforeseen fire and evangelizing to people at different parks. God is definitely doing a work down here; not only in the lives of the students of CSOM but also in many of the nationals here.

A Reminder from Jesus
During one of my morning devotions this first week, I found myself asking God to search within me and strip away any pride that I might have. Later that day, we were at a park street witnessing and I was in a group with a couple of other people. As the other two were taking the lead on talking to this Catholic guy, a Spanish-speaking woman came up to me and asked if I would like braids in my hair. I said no, but she continued asking, so I did the “easy” thing and said “no gracias, bonita, pero no dinero.” In this moment, the Holy Spirit instantly convicted me. I had money in my pocket, and I told this woman that I didn’t so that she would stop asking. I looked over at the guy that we were street witnessing to and I thought to myself “how am I supposed to be a disciple of Jesus when I have just sinned so easily?” worse yet when I sinned right in the middle of evangelizing.
At that moment, God spoke to my heart and reminded me that it is not about me. God reminded me that of course, I am a sinner. That is why He sent his Son to die on the cross so that I might not perish but have eternal life. He knows how much of a frail, weak, sinful human being I am and yet he chose to save me and wants to use me to lead others to Him. Wow. I was so humbled and it reminded me that this was exactly what I prayed for this morning. God specifically answered my prayer and stripped that pride from my heart.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:8-10

Constant Surrender and Expectancy
Because of this moment, it gave me greater expectancy. God hears all of our prayers and answers them in ways we would never expect, but we need to expect Him to show up. I have also constantly been reminded to die to self and surrender. I cannot fully serve God if I am holding onto things in my life. As I sit and reflect on the past week, I am asking God for help to surrender and lay anything down that I hold higher than Him in my heart. If I want to follow God, then I will follow His plans for my life. I can’t pick and choose what I want and don’t want like a buffet. If I follow Him, I get the full course of whatever He leads me to, no matter how difficult the situation may be and I am confident that when I do this, He will get all of the glory and I will plant the seeds to lead others to know of His rich and never-ending love.

Thank you so much for all of your support in prayers and to everybody that has partnered with me financially. This has been such a blessing and it has only been a week! I am so blessed and excited for everything else that God has planned! I am still a few hundred dollars away from making my financial goal for the tuition of this school of missions. If you would like to partner with me financially, you can click this link here.
Praise Reports
We serve a loving God that is rich in love and abundant in grace!
I arrived safely with The Calvary School of Missions team in Mexico!
We have already been able to witness people accepting Christ into their hearts while being here!
Prayer Requests
Please pray for the nationals that accepted Christ.
Please pray for the health and safety of our team.
Please pray that God would strengthen my faith in Him more every day.