Thanks Be to God

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! 

I thank God for your partnership in the ministry through your prayers and financial support.

In my last update I shared about how Covid was spreading throughout our community and about all the restrictions that the government was imposing. My family and some of our church members had tested positive and were quarantined. A lock down was even imposed.

During the second wave in our country, hundreds of people were dying every day. I remember watching on the news that because there were long waits at the cremating place, people threw dead bodies in the river. During this time I thought that the situation would got worse in this third wave. Thank God–it wasn’t so. All of the people (my family, neighbors and church members) who were affected by Corona got well. There were no complications.

Now our ministry is going on as usual. We are having regular church gatherings with no restrictions. I am teaching the book of Galatians during Sunday services when it is my turn. I am half way done and I am really excited to preach the rest of the book.  

By the end of last year, I had started a Bible study with some school children. They are from Christian backgrounds but do not know the Word well. So I got the opportunity to lead them in this Bible study. They are doing good and are always excited to have the Bible study. I have been seeing progress in them which really brings me joy. They want to grow in the Word and grow in their spiritual walk with Christ.

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray that I would continue to grow in the Lord and continue to serve Him.
  • Pray that I will be a blessing to the people in my town.
  • Pray that people of our church would also continue to grow and stand strong in the Word. 
  • Pray that the children who are coming to the Bible study at this young age will fall in love with Jesus and His Word. Also, this month they are taking their final examinations at school. Pray that they will do well in their studies and exams.


Pastor 9

* Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.