“You will know the TRUTH, and the Truth will set you free.”__John 8:32
Dear Friends and family,
Greetings from CC Pakistan, we praise God for His faithfulness and care and also we are thankful to you for your faithful prayers and support. We are doing really good, our church and teaching ministry is growing and our whole team is fine by God’s grace.
Online Teaching Ministry
I shared with you about our “Online Teaching Ministry” that we started this year in our last update. Now I want to share with you the great impact of the class on the lives of our students. This is our new ministry and we were in prayer for this since October 2019. The both groups (more than 40 students in each) come from background highly affected by “televangelists”. Therefore students in both classes had so many misconceptions and were confused about their faith. They were curious about the online class as well as it is their first experience to learn this way. Out experiment with teachingand the Bible study class itself has been really amazing and very successful. The first 14 classes are titled “Introduction to the Bible” and our slogan for this class is “Back to the Bible.” This class has been really wonderful, students are very excited as they are coming to know about the Holy Word of God and thus are led to study it. Last week as I visited one group in their city, they had so many stories to tell me and they shared how this online Bible class arranged by CC Pakistan is helping them grow in their faith removing their misconceptions about Bible and helping them know and read it more daily.
Our Second Group of Bible students is from a city at the distance of 9 hours drive. That group is near a vast desert called Cholistan. That group was fully dominated by the so-called healers and most of the people still follows such false teachers who are making merchandise of the word of God. We praise God that the group in that city is also growing much in discernment and spiritual awareness in the light of the Bible. It is really great privilege for us to lead these young people back to the Bible. We praise God for His grace and are thankful to you for your prayers.
God provided “Bibles
CC Pak has been reaching very remote areas and disadvantaged and un-reached Christians at so many places from the very start of our mission work in Pakistan. We need Urdu Bibles every year for our Outreach Mission Trips to hand the Word of God to those who don’t have Bible. We want to share with you with joyful hearts that God very graciously has blessed CC Pakistan with 800 Urdu Bibles (400 for adults, and 400 Children Bibles) this year. A large number of these Bibles are going to very poor and un-reached families and children. Thank you for praying for our needs and coming forward to co-labor with us through your support.
God is also blessing us with Audio Bibles with the help of Faith Comes by Hearing ministry, and that is really great blessing for those who are unable to read or write, now they can listen the Word of God whenever they want.
First Outreach Mission of 2020
Last year we went on 5 days outreach mission trip to desert area and it was really great as Lord led us to some areas where people are really living in great darkness spiritually. This

mission trip became to reason of starting the online Bible classes with a group which is really a great blessing for those people as well as for us.
This also gave us opportunity to disciple a group of young people in the area to reach their people by sharing the Word of God with them and encouraging them in their Christian faith. We are very happy to share that these young men are reaching people in their area and they are sharing the word of God with them and are teaching them what they learn in the online Bible classes.
CC Pak’s team is going on our “First Outreach Mission Trip 2020” in couple of weeks. We will be reaching some new areas with the Bibles, we will reach people, pray for and with them and encourage them in their faith in the Lord. We praise God that He has provided us with the needs. We will have some special discipleship meetings with our contact and his team in that area. Please keep this mission trip and our team in your prayers.
Thank you very much once again for your prayers, love and support, we always pray for you and your families.
In Christ Jesus
Pastor Nadeem Massey