“For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10

When we moved here to the village of Adak, God gave us a burden for our neighborhood and a desire to see the Gospel come to life in our community. Within a few months of being here, I (Matt) started a bible study on Tuesday nights for the youth of the area. We pray that some of the seeds that were sown at that time will continue to grow, but it didn’t take very long for us to see that we needed a different approach to reach our neighbors. Then, at the time that we were closing down that Bible study I started meeting with one of our neighbors who’s name was Daniel. Together Daniel and I read and talked through the entire New Testament and the impact that God’s Word had on Daniel’s life was tremendous. The same week we finished Revelation, Daniel left to another town in order to study nursing. With Daniel gone Noelle and I started praying for further direction from God concerning our village and within a short amount of time we had around 15 men meeting in our home every Wednesday night to fellowship and study God’s Word and Noelle started a separate study with a couple of the women from the community! Our goal with these studies is to lead people into developing their own relationships with God where they know how to pray, how to read the Bible for themselves and understand it, how to memorize scripture, and most importantly give them an understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Praise God for his faithfulness to seek out and save the lost.

God has also been moving on the “official ministry” side of things.
This past month our pastoral students got to learn about Israel’s return from exile in the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, andEsther. Please continue praying for all of the churches they represent.
We just finished construction on another chicken house and now have the capacity for 6,600 chickens! God also provided BAM with a means of transporting our large loads!

And we have been very happy with our medical staff who in the last month have seen over 300 patients, immunized more than 400 children, delivered 48 babies and treated many tropical diseases including 143 cases of malaria.

God bless you
Matt, Noelle, Emma, Madeline and Noah!