Rivera Family February 2022

We have so much to give thanks for!!

Even through trials we can see God’s hand in our life’s!!


We are so excited to have the dicipleship school of missions starting today at the mission with great people from Oregon who will be here for 10 weeks learning more about our God and Savior. Half day they will be at school and half day serving the kids what a blessing!!!


On Friday he fainted, we are waiting for MRI results and have an appointment with Neurology and with the oncologist pediatric, we are waiting on the Lord for good results, we trust in the one that can do the best for our son.


The Mission kids are good, no sick ones!! God take care of us!!

The staff we have are amazing people working so hard every day serving the kids and one an other with joy!! God bless us with each one of them.

We got a new car!!!!!!!! From a beautiful chrurch fron Oregon, we need to import the vehicle to drive it in Mexico legally but we are so grateful to see God’s faithfulness!!


  1. For Azaff health.
  2. For all the expenses on the medical treatment and therapies for Azaff.
  3. For the Mission kids to keep healthy and happy.
  4. For strength on each one on staff, families and single ones.
  5. For strength in our family so many appointments and therapies we need time to rest.
  6. For God’s grace doing homeschool in the mist of every day.

We thank each one of you for taking the time to bless us, pray for us and read us.

With so much love.

The Rivera Family

Miguel, Zuri, Azaff, Abdiel, Conchita.