Retreat, But No Surrender!

“Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy. For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; for no one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the Spirit. On the other hand, the one who prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation.”

1 Corinthians 14:1-3 (ESV)
Our closing group photo Sunday morning!

That is exactly what the Lord has given an opportunity for. The Rock has had two retreats in the last 3 weeks (that I’ve been a part of), and God is up to something good. It’s a privilege to play a role in helping disciple our middle schoolers and play a part in discipleship and being part of our young adults as well. The Lord is faithful, and I am thankful for the opportunities He’s given me and I want to make the most of them. This season of life has been crazy, and difficult, but rewarding. It amazes me how God can take trials and difficulties and bring about something for our good and His glory. This season has been a crucible, but He is ever purging the dross—and for that I am grateful. I am thankful for His careful watch, and the comfort of His Spirit. I pray that whatever season you find yourself in right now that you cling to Jesus, sit at His feet (Luke 10:38-42), and cast your care upon Him (1 Peter 5:7). Nothing is too big for our God, and He delights in our faith—it’s so much more precious to Him than gold that is tested by fire (1 Peter 1:6-9).

The theme of the middle school retreat was “Life in Light of Eternity.” Since I began teaching them last year, I’ve been praying that the Lord would help me to teach them what it means to be a disciple and have a proper foundation of trust in Jesus. One that He can continue to build upon as they grow. We began with a series on discipleship, then understanding the difference and importance between the Old and New Testament, and since then we’ve been making our way through the Gospel of John. These kids ask some amazing questions. They’re hungry for knowledge and truth and it amazes me how biblically literate they are. All of that to say, our hope with this retreat was to help equip these middle schoolers to be able to live their lives looking forward to eternity, and I believe the Lord helped us to do that. We had 3 main sessions with lots of fun, food, and good hang outs mixed in. Our snow trip got canceled, but the Lord opened the door for us to stay elsewhere and keep our retreat going. Our first session, a visiting pastor from another church taught on John 10 and Jesus being the Good Shepherd. Saturday night we touched base on a closeness of relationship with Jesus in Philippians 3, and Sunday I got to teach on John 15 where I shared that living for Jesus begins and continues with being with Jesus—seeking Him first and above all else. I pray that the Lord will continue to grow them in the knowledge of His Word and teach them how to do all for His glory—bearing fruit for His name. Thank you for your prayers, we couldn’t have done it without them.

Last weekend we took all the young adults up to Tahoe and man was there a lot of snow. The fellowship was a huge blessing, the sessions were blessed (teaching us to fight sin, and rest in the powerful work of Jesus that has caused us to be dead to sin, but alive in Christ). It was a needed weekend for me. It was nice to get away for a few days and allow the Lord to speak through His Word, and it was an amazing reminder of what a fresh start we have in what Jesus has done for us at the cross. I am dead to the power of sin over me, and alive to God in Christ and now a slave to righteousness. Man, what a powerful reminder! The question presented that weekend was, “Will I agree with what God says about me?” Will I run the race that He’s set before me? I don’t know about you, but my answer is yes!

Getting Ready

Next on the docket is our Peru missions trip. I’m excited to go and see what the Lord will do. We are going to have an awesome opportunity to focus on outreach and help teach some Bible College students how to outreach. Many of them seem hopeful to get out, church plant, and make disciples! Lord willing we can aid them in that process!

With some smaller trips coming up, I have a great opportunity to get the middle schoolers involved with helping the teams prep for going on their trips. This coming week we are going to help prepare some care packages and letters for our high school trip to southern California where they are going to partner with a ministry that does a lot of outreach. Please pray that the Lord stirs in their heart for seeking and saving the lost and taking the Gospel to the nations. 

Another trip to come is for Uganda. I’m praying and hoping to go to Uganda with the Rock this summer! Would you please pray that the Lord’s will would be done and that He would open and shut doors for whatever His will is for me in that. I will get you details as they come.

Prayer Requests:

  • Leading middle school and team well
  • Packing party with students for So Cal trip


  • team unity
  • travel mercies
  • provision
  • safety
  • open doors for the Gospel
  • for the Lord’s will to be done


  • wisdom and provision


  • to seek the Lord above all else
  • to truly rest in Him and to trust Him in all things
  • my dad’s health, hoping to have a spinal fusion surgery by the end of this month (runs a risk of becoming severely paralyzed without it)

Thank you so much for your prayers and all you do,

– Jordon