I don’t know how to express my gratitude for your prayers and financial support, seeing your love for the Lord through your giving is so encouraging.
“A generous soul will be made rich, and he who refreshes others will be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25
Wow! How time flies, I cannot believe we are already in December. Since it has been quite some time since my last update, I wanted to give you a recap of what the Lord did at Calvary School of Missions. What is of the upmost importance is the burning in my heart to pray for the unreached people of the world. To be sensitive to His leading as to where He would want to use me is what was on the forefront of my mind. The Lord began to reassure my heart by hearing about His faithfulness through several missionaries and how he led them in their calling. We also read missionary biographies to gain a perspective that serving the Lord will have its trials. With a great balance of studying and serving we put feet to our faith and hit the streets to share the Gospel.
Now that I am back in California there have been many changes. As much as I don’t mind change I found myself with a heaviness that I had never experienced. Talk about walking by faith and not sight. I started a new job as a Behavioral Technician providing clinical skills instruction and behavior reduction protocols for children. God has relocated me from Riverside to Yorba Linda with an amazing sister from Saving Grace. Also, I commute back and forth every morning to Riverside to work as a preschool teacher. Do not get me wrong all these things are a great blessing, but this much change all at once has been stretching. Now that I have settled into my new normal, I see how the Lord used all of that change to show me that my self-sufficiency needs to be cut out of my heart more and more each day.
Also I have had the privilege of being a part of the Internship team through Saving Grace World Missions (www.sgwm.com). What an answer to prayer! The Lord knew I needed more fellowship with believers with the same calling on their lives. My fellow interns can attest to what a great blessing it has been to learn from Pastor Trent who takes exegeting the Bible very seriously. What brings great assurance to my heart is when he says, “It doesn’t matter what I think, let the Word of God speak for itself” (loosely paraphrasing). In a day and age where some “will not endure sound doctrine and are heaping up for themselves teachers” (2 Timothy 4:3b) I am so grateful to be a part of Calvary Chapel Saving Grace. I feel at home being surrounded by believers who are devoted to rightly dividing the word of truth.
What a blessing it has been to be in fellowship with amazing sisters in the Lord who have a passion for the lost. A church that is fully committed to fulfilling the Great Commission, reaching the nations with the Gospel and having a passion for God’s word is what I have been praying for. The Lord has been so faithful to lead and guide me in uncertain seasons in my life. Debbie Douglass has been so kind and taken me along on home visits with female Palestinian and Iraqi refugees. I have been learning so much about their culture and their amazing hospitality. They have expressed their need for someone to just spend time with and practice their English. As soon I heard that I have been staying in touch with some of these ladies and hoping to build a relationship with them. Please pray for God’s wisdom and discernment as to how to love on them and build a bridge to share the Gospel.
- Praise Reports:
- God’s provision while in Calvary School of Missions (through you!)
- Reassurance of God’s calling on my life
- Gaining knowledge of missions and cultures
- God’s sovereignty and guidance on my life
- Prayer requests:
- Salvation of my family members (psychological concerns)
- God’s guidance and my sensitivity to His leading
- Time management and discernment
- Understanding of God’s Word historically and spiritually