Piles, upon piles, upon piles. Everywhere I turn, there are piles! Piles of clothes to be sorted and given away, piles of papers to be organized, piles of toys to be donated, piles of toys the kids hope to keep. I can’t quite find my house anymore because it is so full of piles — the reality that we are making another move around the world is daily more evident. In some way, it is exciting to see things getting finished, but more often, it is overwhelming how many things are still left to do.
Romeo, Anya, and little Romeo were blessed to be able to take a trip to Moyobamba and teach on discipleship in the Awajun community of San Rafael. It is truly a blessing to see the work that God is doing in the jungle amidst the indigenous people. Please pray that a passion for God and His word would continue to grow and that those from San Rafael would be able to bring the gospel to the tribes further in the interior that have little to no contact with the outside world.
The semester has already begun, and there are several new students, most of whom I have hardly been able to meet, let alone have a real conversation with. Along with the new semester came a stomach bug, followed up by a head cold. Romeo is scheduled to teach Self Confrontation in Spanish, as well as Christ in Prophecy in English this semester. It is his first time teaching either of these classes, but he is already really enjoying preparing for them.
Despite sickness and many piles, we are really enjoying this semester. You can join us in praying that God would grow each of the students, interns, and staff to a new depth in their walks with Him. And also for us that we would be able to quickly finish all the organizing that needs to happen so that we can fully enjoy and soak in these last months in Peru and be fully committed where we are.
This month, we would love if you would join us in praying over the details. You can be praying for wisdom and clear direction, provision for vehicles, furniture, housing deposits, quick acquisition of the Russian language, etc. Our children have asked repeatedly for specific prayer for their hearts and attitudes related to the move. They regularly pray that God would give them a joyful heart in regards to moving, despite how sad they are about it.
Until the beginning of October, we anticipate being “off
Thank you for your continued prayers and support for our family. It is an indescribable blessing to have so many people who are “behind the scenes” partners with the work God is doing here in Peru, and around the world. We would never be on the field if it weren’t for all those who partner with us in ministry. Thank you!
With love,
The Bueschers