“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Galatians 6:9
We just found out that there has been another outbreak of COVID and so Benjamin’s school will be online for at least the next two weeks. We don’t know whether churches will be online or not yet. Everything was open for a month after an outbreak at the end of November. This outbreak in Cambodia combined with the COVID situation in the USA and Japan make traveling this summer to either country seem very unlikely.
Despite our disappointment that COVID has not cleared up as fast as we had hoped, but now it looks like it may linger for awhile, our lives and ministries in Cambodia are going better than we expected given the situation. For example, Pastor Samuel is forming a team to translate and record Darryl’s apologetic/evangelistic videos into Chinese. In the past month we were able to translate, record, and produce the video Life: Creation or Chance in Chinese.
Darryl also produced and distributed two videos: God and the Environment and Is Jesus Really God? in the Cambodian language through social media. He also researched and wrote three scripts for future videos.
Light Times Magazine has been unable to produce a paper based magazine for some time due to COVID. Now, they are in the process of starting to produce videos for social media distribution. Please pray for this transition and for Darryl’s role in helping with the new videos.
Kayo continues to be very active with the worship team at the international church. Benjamin is doing well in school despite the changes between in-person and on-line school. We are thankful that we could move into a two bedroom apartment in the same building for the same price as a one-bedroom (due to Covid). Benjamin is happy to have his own bedroom instead of having to sleep in the living room.
Thanks for your continued and faithful prayers, encouragement, and support. We would be in a bad situation without people like you.
In Christ’s Hands,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin