Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen!
Matthew 28:19-20
Dear Friends and family.
Greetings from Calvary Chapel Pakistan. We all are fine by the grace of God. The monsoon has started, and it is very hot and humid here these days. Everyone in the church and in our church office is fine. We are thankful to you all for your prayers, care, and support.
Reaching people in the Desert Area
As you know, we have an outreach mission in the desert area where we are able to reach many unreached people groups and families. We have online Bible classes in the area and also whole-day teaching activities along with a special outreach program. These people in the desert are really very disadvantaged, they lead a very tough life, and they don’t have even basic needs in life. All the time, they are struggling with their survival issues. During the summertime, their life gets tougher than ever as most of them don’t have electricity or any water supply. They have to travel many distances to get water for them to drink and also for their animals.

Their life does not allow them to think about anything else but their survival, but when you go to them, they are very hospitable. They give their time, listen to us, and share what they can.
Evangelism Among Groups in Desert
We are reaching these areas which are very far from the city. the roads are not good, and it is not possible for the team to get back to the city. So many times, our team stays in those areas with these people. The evenings and night time is the best time for meeting with these people because it’s when they get free from their work.

There are some groups that we can reach again for follow-up but not all the groups. So we leave with them Audio devices with the Bible on it and any kind of helpful stuff that they can use for their spiritual growth. We have Gospels picturized (video format) that we show them, we leave some SD cards with them to put in their phones, and we pray with them, encourage them in the Lord, and share the love of Jesus Christ in the best possible way with these precious souls. Please keep the whole team in your special prayers.
Water-Pumps project
We’ve also started installing water pumps at the places of different groups who travel far to get drinking water. Right now, we are working on installing 10 water pumps for different groups and families. This is a great help for them, and this also opens doors for us to reach them and share the Word of God with them.

We are again thankful to you for the prayers, love, and support. Please continue to pray for Calvary Chapel Pakistan’s all other ministries and activities for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In Christ Jesus
Pastor Nadeem Massey