“Refuse to give in to him, by standing strong in your faith. You know that your Christian family all over the world is having the same kinds of suffering. And after you suffer for a short time, God, who gives all grace, will make everything right. He will make you strong and support you and keep you from falling. He called you to share in his glory in Christ, a glory that will continue forever.” 1 Peter 5:9-10
The italicized part of this passage has been on my mind since reading it with Benjamin a few days ago. There are troubles all over the world. Before one trouble gets resolved, other troubles break out. In the past, it seemed like the lives of those in our sending countries were more peaceful and secure than our lives as missionaries in Cambodia. Now, I am not so sure.
Now, it is increasingly clear that heaven, not earth, is our true home. Even when things go wrong on earth, God will make everything right either now or in eternity. So, as believers, we can maintain the love, joy, and peace, that God gives us regardless of the trials that we and our loved ones around the world are facing.
Cambodia Update
By God’s grace, we have been able to continue to minister in Cambodia despite COVID-19. Darryl has been able to finish all 16 (30-minute) videos to substitute for in-person Apologetics class lectures at a local Cambodian seminary. In June, he will still need to grade the final exam/projects.
In addition, Darryl was able to produce and distribute a new video entitled God’s Robots in Cambodian. This video is about the amazing design of microscopic “walking robots” called kinesins that transport molecules inside the cell. The video has been distributed on various social media platforms, Facebook groups, and will also be available on the app of the largest Cambodian church and network. There is another video in process and then Darryl will need to take some time to research topics for future videos. Please pray for wisdom and creativity.
Kayo has been helping to organize the international church’s worship team for weekly video-recorded worship sessions for the online services. She is also organizing some smaller member-care fellowship groups to care for various members who are getting isolated after months without in-person fellowship. In-person church services remain closed for the foreseeable future.
Kayo has also been ministering to and encouraging other Japanese missionaries and expats in Cambodia. We will not be able to go to Japan this summer to visit our senders there so we are looking in to making videos for them.
Precious Women organization continues to distribute supplies to women who are at risk of getting trapped in prostitution. Many of them have lost their regular jobs as a result of COVID-19. So, they are at even greater risk. We continue to support this organization financially and Kayo does some work from home work for them as well.
Benjamin is finishing his school year online. Lord willing the school will be able to start in-person classes in August but we are not sure of that either.
Please continue to pray for our finances as it is very difficult to raise additional funds because of COVID-19, meanwhile our expenses have increased beyond our control. We recognize that many of our senders are also facing financial uncertainty as well so we are sensitive to this reality as well.
In Christ’s Loving Hands,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin
Phnom Penh, Cambodia