And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Two major things happened this month. The first thing was that my (Noelle’s) Mom was finally able to visit Uganda. After more than 5 years on the field, it was so good to be able to show her in person everything we’ve been doing, and meet our community and those we work alongside. She stayed for a whole month, praise God, and brought with her 3 of my older nieces and a friend. 12 people living under the same roof made our home practically burst at the seams, but all the housework work, play, and ministry seemed to get done smoothly nonetheless. Without them I would not have been able to finish all the work on my end in preparation for the big celebration, which is the second major thing that happened in October.

After nearly 8 years of teaching through the Bible, Terebinth School of Discipleship finally has an official campus. For several years we as a couple have been dreaming and drawing pictures of what this project could look like. When we arrived back in Uganda after our furlough in 2021, we were given the green light from our director to start putting those dreams on the ground. Now a full year since the shovels hit the dirt, we have a beautiful school campus ready for the current and future classes of church leaders. All of this is in effort to officially accredit the school. The location was officially opened on October 18th 2022 with a very grand opening ceremony that had around 1,000 people in attendance, from our staff and students, to all 180 of our widows to the neighboring community even to the political leaders! It was also utilized for its first teachings as our church leaders studied the book of Deuteronomy that same week. It was powerful to stop and consider all that God has done around our team. We hope and pray that Jesus will continue to be exalted through the use of this campus and that he will guide us through the accreditation process to prevent our students from having any future problems from the government.

May God richly bless you for all of your support through this process! The journey has been long, the route hasn’t been easy but together, we have persevered and with your prayers we have truly seen a harvest for the kingdom. We are excited to show you what God has accomplished here, and we are also excited to hear what God is doing around you there.
Here is a link to a video showing the Grand Opening ceremony of the new Terebinth Ministries school campus.

In Christ!
The Harris Family